Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tonite's Final 3

Blake, WHY are you so proud of that shiteous tuxedo t-shirt. And why do you always dress in grey? To match your personality I assume. (sizzle) I wonder what songs Clive Davis will pick tonite. I think he might try and sabotage Jordin or McDooDoo by making them sing a Whitney song. Or the dreaded Celine. I wish Chris was still in and could have picked a JT song, like "What Comes Around". (McDooDoo, LOL, why am I just thinking of that funny name for her now? maybe I am the only one that thinks that's funny)
What do y'all think? Any ideas (on song choice, not McDooDoo names)? Sorry, I had an extra helping of mean juice on my granola bites this am. My bites are snappy. I'm really a nice person, offline.


Anonymous said...

McDooDoo? That's funny but sounds like something my 9yr old neice would say. Blake and Jordin in the finals. I think the judges are going to really challenge the girls with their song selection. So Cole, you never mentioned stalking out Kelly C? Was it too hot to eat BBQ on herr lawn??

Anonymous said...

I also beleive it to be Blake and Jordin in the finals. If Blake wins with that beat boxing I might just vomit.

Christina said...

Well, to be fair, they take those pictures right after the elimination's -- so he probably didn't have time to change even if he wanted to change. I still say it's not THAT awful. At least it's a creative print tuxedo shirt and no the one that Screech always wore on Saved By the Bell.

But seriously, how cute is this final 3. They are all so nice. Not a douche (Taylor) or a Skeeved Out looking homeless guy (Elliott - who is wonderful, but boy looked like a homeless drunkard last year with the teeth - then he got the teeth fixed and grew out his JewFro and beard...thus making him look like a homeless hipster...sad. And I'm a fan of the JewFro, just not on E) among them. And finally we have an under 18 contestant who isn't inbred out the ass (Diana DeGarmo - and as a Texan, you KNOW what I'm talking about).

Cole Bronn said...

Christina, you're on fire tonite.

Anonymous, no, I did not make it to Kelly's and the whole barbeque debacle was the cause.