Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Top 10 Performance Night

Well, I keep watching the show, waiting for some personality to pop, or some reason to want to go see this ship of fools this summer. Last night, I may have found my reason in Lee DeWyze. I was really impressed by him last night...I found some sexy swagger in that performance. I actually asked my husband to get his haircut? Was that rude? (PS, I hate my husband's haircut, as he has not changed in in 14 years of marriage. He rocks a Wayne Newton sweep back (no Snookie poof, thank God). Enough said.)

If I was looking for a date this weekend, Lee is my 'type' of guy. Baby face but a bit of bad ass in there somewhere. I could help him find it. Wink.

Siabhan is a hot mess with a voice. She's got to tone down the hot mess a bit, and find a genre of songs. She's like a Broadway singer who does the musical HAIR one week, and Phantom of the Opera the next week. All over the place. And those fried egg glasses of hers are annoying as all get out. Imagine Usher's comments after she left the room. "Dude, what is up with the Mr. Magoo glasses? That was just all kinds of wrong." I'm glad he tried to tell her to tone down the wardrobe mess.

Andrew Garcia was awesome as well. I am actually going to crown that the FIRST DOWNLOAD of the season. I LOVED that song and was not aware of Chris Brown's version.

DiDi should go home. Right after Tim Urban. And then, little bit Aaron. Here's the deal. you have to look at this from a demographic pov.

Divide up the voters: Little geek girls and the Cougars. That's your voting community. And if you think I'm wrong, go to a Idols on Tour concert this summer and do a profile. I'm not saying boys and men don't watch the show, I'm just saying they don't vote. So, eventually, the gg's (geek girls) votes are going to split up Tim and Aaron. And I'm sure a few Lee Press-on nails were lost in the dialing battle last night for Mr. DeWyze.

Michael is getting the crooner vote. Siabhan and Katie will eventually cancel each other out. It's just too early to call on this one. If you close our eyes, they are very similar in vocals. Both could have huge careers on The Love Boat.

I can't predict who is going to win, but if it comes down to who I most want to see each week, it's Lee, Casey and Crystal. Can't wait to see Usher perform tonite.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Last Night's Show

First...why did they Sanjaya Siabhan? Tha flipping HAIRSTYLE?

Second...why doesn't someone "ACCIDENTALLY"...on purpose crush those hideous glasses that she clearly bought at a Goodwill store?

Third...why am I still watching this show?


Ok, so there are some good peeps, but ain't a one of them getting a dollar of my money for the showcase showdown this summer.

Going home tonite,,


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Top 12 didn't suck

Well, I'm not a huge fan of the Stones so I had low expectations. they really rocked it out.

For me...this is the year where the face doesn't match the voice. The personality doesn't match the voice. Nothing about these people matches the voice.

That little Aaron Kelly singing Angie? What? Dawg?

Lee DeWyze or whatever. He's like a doughboy, but when he opens his mouth suddenly he's Adam Duritz from Counting Crows or Dave Mathews. Katie Stevens is a little Barbra Streisand to me. And that red head reminds me of Pat Benatar a bit...I know I am dating myself.

Randy, there is no Justin Timberlake this season, nor has there ever been. And he sux anyway.

Siabhan madness. For me, I hope it comes down to a 3 way shoot out with Lee, Siabhan and Crystal. Maybe Big Mike too. The rest are good but I won't go to their concerts.

Other random thougths:

Kara's clothes are uglier by the minute. She's starting to dress like Pauler.
Randy, try not phoning it in so much.
Ellen, starting to find her voice. Nice hair. Pretty eyes.
Simon...oh, he's there? It's an imposter. He's too nice.

Seacrest. He's the best. 100% solid every year and I loved his getting in Cowell's face tonite. Didn't quite seem staged, though I'm sure it was.

Jeffro, since you told me you are having twins, I no longer find it fun to flirt with you, so thanks for letting your power s_ _ _ m get in the way of the fun I had in this blog. I am officially killing my plans to stalk you in 2012 when you would have least expected it. Anyone want to buy a round trip to Indiana?

Please can some new guy step up and flirt with me now? Kidding.
And Jeffro, don't pretend to be someone else because I'll see right through it.

Looking forward to what you guys think about tonite.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ladie's Night

Please help me invent a name for crappy performances that are worse than Karaoke in Japantown? Crappy-oke. Too obvious. Pokey-oke...I want to stick sharp objects into my ears? Last night the song choices made me feel like I was at a Wake for the passing of a famed karaoke artist. If there is such a thing. Ugh. Boring, sigh, bleh, ugh....mashpotatoes. bland. yeesh. (note my struggle not to cuss. It's against the law this week in California. Expletives return next week.)

Peeps, I must admit, this may be the last year for Idol. Unless they bring in a new set of judges next year when Simon is gone. I'm talking CLEAN SWEEP. Randy (dawg, for me, for you, I'm done) Jackson, Kara (goony goon goon) and Ellen...well, bloom is falling off that rose. And Simon has just checked out. OUT. Like he's picking lint from his belly button instead of paying attention. I'm starting to think the only thing that kept him awake in the past was worrying about Pauler starting to drool, or doing a faceplant into her drool.

So, Crystal Bowersox seems to have a lock on it, if peeps can get past the dreads and her hair. You know what dreads I'm talking about...those chompers that are the color of corn, complete with the missing vampire fangs, as my husband says. We don't mean to be unkind but simply point this out to the younger generation who are dissing the dentist and opting for the crack pipe and meth labs instead. I'm not calling her Crystal Meth or anything. Tetracycline can do that to you as well. But people, it's called Brite Smile. Look into it.

DiDi was good. Siabhan was crazy weird as usual. She looked dressed like a freaking Washington DC intern. Business, but only 1/2 way, with plenty of leg exposed for 'after hours'. Weirdness.

Hey Siobhan, Crystal Gayle called and she wants her flowers back. Really, it's sSOOO not even interesting. If you want to make a statement, utilize vintage brooches with rhinestones...hell, a cool spider web of diamonds would be fun. Flowers are lame.

I dread man night (no pun intended Crystal). I can't even tell you a guys name except hottie Casey who is this years Jason Castro. Maybe a little smarter. I have to admit, I only watch the performances this year, and none of the critiques past the first sentence they say. After that...blip blip blip.

I will hang in there peeps. I promise. i know it starts to ramp up after Top 10. Thursday nite, say goodbye to Lacey Brown and Paige whatever.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dear Jeffro and NJ Fan...and others

Actually, it's weird. I am watching the blog for your comments...when it occurred to me that I'M SUPPOSED to write things, for you to comment on... I was really getting pissed that I hadn't heard from you guys.

Ok, so first. Jeffro, you hurt my feelings by kicking dirt in my face when Jannell got booted. I was sad. And now, it looks like DiDi is next. So yes, I am losing my touch dammit.

And, by the way, I have accidentally hurt my arm and am not supposed to type. I seriously have been going to rehab because I have somehow (knitting) gotten Tennis elbow. I have been told not to type or knit or grip anything for 2 months and must wear a brace and ice it 2 times a day.

If I hadn't given up cussing, the 4 letters words would fly right now. I'm sorry, but I am really depressed. I didn't even watch Idol this week. Yes, THAT depressed. I didn't even turn on the tv. I cry myself to sleep and am inconsolable.

Please send chocolate. And post some fun comments for me! I'll drag them to the top!