Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Sweatin' in the Big D

OMG it's HHHHOOOOOOTTTTTTT. Ok, I'll stop whining as it's only 83 degrees, but compared to Northern California, I feel as though I have traveled to the Sahara. Actually, I have just spent the morning at a soccer field watching my nephews. So hilarious. I laughed so hard they told me to stop. I guess I was insulting some of the parents whose kids were crying because they got kicked. Oops. I thought it was funny. I was yelling at my mom "hey mom look. Man down, alert the paramedics." I think my humor was lost on them.
I have not slept in 2 days. I was like goldilocks last night searching for the perfect bed. You already know about Beverly Hills. Here I am supposed to sleep in my nephew's twin bed, and the freaking aquarium is bubbling and lit up. I was afraid to turn it all off in fear of killing the fish. So, then I went to sleep on the couch...and that was no good. So I crawled in bed with my mom, and she got all veklempt like I was a toddler and wouldn't shut up. Then she started snoring and I swear my mom turned into a hoover vacuum.
This morning a 7 year old woke me at 4:30am California time. I am not going to look my refreshed best for my meeting with Daughtry this evening. I had my face slathered with Avon this am, and no doubt will be in a full rash by 6:00 pm. No diss to Avon, but I have sensitive skin. My sister pulled out all the stops and before I knew what I was doing, I had spread on 2 types of exfoliater and my face was stinging. Enough whining.
I'm really feeling my American Idol vibes this weekend. I was winding down last night and see Jimmy Kimmel Live has Kelly Clarkson on. Exciting. She was pretty good, but dressed heinously. Her hair was the pits. I'm telling you, she needs a freaking stylist in the worst way. I can't believe I was just miles away from Kelly when I was in LA yesterday. This bodes well for an up close and personal with Daughtry tonite.
I almost swallowed my tongue at the airport. I swear Carrie Underwood was in baggage claim. I think it was another one of those cloud mirages.

More later.

1 comment:

Chad Oneil Myers said...

"Carrie Underwood was in baggage claim"? Sounds like an interesting "sighting".

Have fun at the Daughtry concert! I think that's so cool that he's successful!

Tell us all about the concert later!