Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Crisis Averted...Went to the Mall

More breaking news from Cole's cube....Later in Cole's "Crisis" Friday, we find she has visited the mall at lunch. Her friend Lisa, a longtime advocate of MAC, has recently sung the praises of Mac Glass Gloss. Something like that. So, Cole ponied up to the counter and let some pink haired girl slather her lips with sparkles in burgundy. It's fantabulous. $32.00 later, she feels her migraine is abated, and skips off to Williams-Sonoma where she scores some great new coffee mugs. 1/2 price. Almost the weekend for Cole, she is feeling quite great, and returns to work."

Ok, so if you don't want to read more lame postings like the above from my "ghost reporter" you better start posting ideas for my summer gab. I need show ideas. I need someone to call Bravo and tell me when Project Runway is back on the air. Me and Tim Gunn can so go at it on those bitches in design.

Later skaters.


krs24rbn said...

sorry, not really a suggestion about your blog, but a funny picture someone posted at dvdtalk.com


Anonymous said...


your sister -- you know the one who is a national spokesperson for AVON!!

the one who explained to you what an effing BLOG was!!

and you are endorsing a competitive product?!?

so much for that friends and family discount when you come to Tejas next week!

Cole Bronn said...

Well, as we can see, my sister will not be having a nice weekend because she is having a meltdown because I bought some freakin' lipgloss at the mall. Hello? I buy lipgloss like every 5 minutes. I have it stashed all over my cube, in my car and in my house. I buy it out of the $1.00 bin at Target. If it sparkles, is pink or tastes like candy, I buy it.

Next week when I travel back to the big state of Texas from which I come, I'm going to kick my baby sister's Avon hawkin' ass. And then I'm going to make her teach me how to cancel anonymous poster comments, so I can delete her ugliness in the future off my blog.

Baby sister, I know your national tv ad began just weeks after my famous mention in USA Today. And I don't debate which one of us is more famous. (Although, I have real fans, that write me. I'm just sayin'.) Anyway, you don't see me forbidding you to read a newspaper do you? So please don't expect me to cut down on my lipgloss purchases.

Much love.

Christina said...

Much love to Cole's sister - and I don't doubt that Avon can be awesome (granted, I've never put that stuff on my face, but I'm a total snob (though I love a sale and a great bargain) about anything that goes on my face or body...it's my mom's fault), but MAC is the shit...and their lip glass is effing amazing. OK, I could go crazy at Sephora if not careful, but in general I don't wear a lot of make-up (I go for the more natural/Abercrombie girl look - which makes sense, since I did work at that asstastic retailer for a brief period, until I realized I was spending more then I was making and that they were evil) - however, MAC is my godsend and has been since I was in 10th grade and had a horrible waxing experience that almost ruined homecoming for me. Look, laugh if you want - but you imagine being almost 16, going in for a lip/eyebrow wax and coming out with scabs on your face two days before the equivalent of Fall Prom. My mom, being the awesome person that she is, took me to the only MAC counter in Atlanta (this was in 1998, before they blew up and became known everywhere - I was like the only girl at my suburban rich kid school who wore their shit at the time - everyone was still on the Clinique kick) and I don't know what those boys did, but they provided me with enough shit to successfully cover up scab/burn marks on my face (and you have to understand, I have porcelain white skin, hence why I get waxed every 4 - 6 weeks, EVERYTHING shows and I have to wear baby formula SPF 45 during the spring/summer to prevent freckling/hideous burns) so that you can't even tell in pictures that something was wrong. I've been a loyal customer every since.

So enjoy your lipglass! Yay for therapeutic shopping. I did some of that myself...I got some board shorts from Diesel that make Haley Scarnato's most revealing pair of short shorts look downright puritanical. No lie...I mean, they cover my ass...but even I was like, "hmm...are these too much?" The pseudo-boyfriend says "no - keep them" and worst case I can just choose to only wear them over bikini bottoms or at clubs where you have to dress like a high-class hooker just to get let in (the one's P. Diddy, Fergie and Josh Duhmel, Outkast and every other rapper frequents when in the ATL).

Spider-Man 3!!!!!