Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Performance Night...BeeGees R N the House

Well, at least one of them was with the Idols this weekend. I wonder what it was like for Blake? The only dude left standing. He killed it last week bringing back the Beat Box at just the right time. I think the dude has been sandbagging. Breaking out a new wig, shakin' his money maker and letting it fly. I definitely think the Dawg did it right.
For me, it's going to be a weird week. I like Phil and Chris. I liked Phil's voice on country night. He ain't no Daughtry for sure, but he worked hard and got better each week. Chris, well he was just a cutie pie and guess what, I never voted for him. Of course, I only vote for one person the whole season, and am very loyal to Jordin. Have been from the start. Never got on the KiKi wagon and was less than kind in earlier posts about Melinda. And, as usually happens, all the stuff that bugged me about her is the stuff that everyone talks about now. Her "doe-eyed who me? look" and her lack of style in earlier wig selection. Her teatering on stilettos and then talking about sweats and sneakers. You can take the girl out of Target but you can't take Target out of her closet. KiKi playing tonsil hockey with Simon was just so staged and gross. Puh-leeze. Don't try and convince me that it was spontaneous combustion and sexual tension between KiKi and Simon. It just made me want to hurl. Inappropriate. I hope she sues his ass for sexual harrassment. Her defense: Kissing under diress. And then there's Jordin. Out of the 4 of them, she seems to be the last one standing that is doing this for the fun of it and entertaining everyone. She seems to not give a shit. The others are sweatin' it out. Hanging on Simon's every word. Jordin just rocks it. What the hell, yeah, I sucked but I'll be better next week. Woo Hoo. I still wish Haley Scarnato was in just to see her outfits. And I loved watching my husband yell at the tv..."go you hooker go". I just love that word hooker. It has such a nice ring to it.

1 comment:

hopeanelli said...

Wow Jeffro you do know Ms.Cole she will crack the whip so no more sick time for you. Best of Luck to the Cole and Stumpy Show looking forward to it this summer I will be so bored at work if there isn't a blog for me to read.