Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Bye Bye KiKi...we'll miss you!

Ok, I am sad. KiKi was so cute. She had a voice on her and I think she will be great. I think her days as a bank teller are over. At the very least she has a career as a wedding singer...but I hope much more greatness comes her way.
Well the show was boring. My husband was ruthless over Barry Gibb. It was like he was watching a sporting event and the relief pitcher had just blown a 5 run lead at the top of the 9th. He was literally yelling "Get off the stage!" I had to make sure the remote was out of reach for fear of our Sony screen taking a hit. The man is passionate about all things Idol. We always pick the same winner each year too. It's weird. We like the same Nascar driver as well. This is why I loves him. I digress.
Anyway, it appears that Blake visited the Spencer's gifts at the mall for that hideous faux tuxedo tee shirt he sported tonite. Ridiculous. I swear he looked like a 16-year old at a skateboard park trying to score some weed. Not that I've been to any skateboard parks trying to score weed lately, I've just seen alot of it on cable and stuff. And I hear those kids are jailbait anyway...ok, where was I...oh, and is it just me or does it look like Jordin and the Lollypop kids in Oz? She stands so tall over Blake, KiKi and Dookie. She looks like a freakin' amazon. A pretty Idol-winning Amazon. Go Jordin, Go Jordin. Puh-leeze after 6 years of loyally watching every frickin' episode, can my favorite Idol win, just once? I admit, I was a Bo Bice fan...and a Daughtry fan, and Latoya London fan, and I have been ripped off. (I only watched Season 1 as a bandwagon viewer, I had to see if Kelly won, 'cuz she was Texas girl, and I only watched the final 4 episodes...thus jumping on the KC bandwagon, and unable to claim her as a pick from the beginning.)
I wish I could have a little Carrie Underwood counter showing how many days until I am in Texas. I called my sister to ask what the weather was like, and smartass that she is, she replys..."Cole, it's Springtime in Texas, it's hot, it's cool and we are under Tornado watch like every night. Who the hell knows." I know one thing I will pack. That Mac lip gloss. That little sister is no match for this Texas Rattlesnake. Anyways, everyone knows a real lady in Texas does not answer the phone without lipstick on. It's just not proper.
Turns out we may have some Dallas Morning News connections that might get us to a VIP tent. This can only mean one thing. VIP = closer to Daughtry. If I don't get a good picture of him, to post next to my pic of Ace Young, I will cry. And then I'll photoshop myself into a picture with him and lie to you all. ha ha.
You know I once road in an elevator with Billy Joel. And he sang to me. I was so embarrassed I jumped off the elevator, and ran to the house phone in the hallway. And then Lyle Lovett walked by and laughed at me for being so excited about seeing Billy Joel. And I'd trade both of those experiences, along with my photo of me and Tony Stewart for just ONE PICTURE WITH DAUGHTRY. My picture with Ace Young is heinous. My hair is frizzy, my mouth is open, and my cheeks are flushed from running down Rodeo Dr. to catch him before he went inside, after I parked my car on the sidewalk! haha. DeeDee and Jill stayed behind the mind the car. It was crazy. God I am rambling on some tangents tonite. I better go to sleep. I hope someone finds out what the Idols are singing next week.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see that Barry Gibb dressed up for his appearance last night. Seriously, did he show up wearing boxers and a wife beater then borrowed the clothes from a dude holding cables? I now know what Joe Dirt will look like in his later years.

Anonymous said...

Well rumor has it that Barry fell into the orchestra pit after he was done singing when it got dark and he was exiting the stage he didn't see the edge and into the pit he went....

Anonymous said...

Next week is the hat trick. Each will sing three songs, one chosen by them, one chosen by the judges and then one chosen by Grandpa Clive(as in Davis for those of you slow on the uptake or from Texas).

Christina said...

Have fun in Texas! Your husband sounds a lot like my dad. I called my mom during one of the commercial breaks (she wanted to chat with me before I got shit-faced) and she was unavailable and my dad was like, "what did you think of Barry Gibb" and I had to pause, cause like, my dad is so fucking emo about 70s music, and I know he was even more into them than my mom (and he's this huge guy, which makes his lame taste even funnier...not that the BGs are lame...but you know), but I was like, "dude, he kind of sucked" and my dad laughed and went on this long-winded take-down basically obliterating his whole performance. But then I was like, "well, he's lost two brothers, been through a lot - he's haggard" and my dad goes back to kissing his ass and talking about how great he was, emphasis on was, but that you know, last night he sucked ass.

My mom had issues with Blake's shirt too. I have no feeling one way or another. It's sort of cheesy, but it works with his style. Plus, I've been wanting the female prom dress equivalent shirt for like YEARS. It doesn't exist, but it should. I was NOT feeling the highlight in the hair. Go black or go blonde...but don't start channeling Jared Leto. Jordan Catalono's gone goth and it isn't a good look, and Jared Leto is like 5x hotter than Blake will ever be to start with (I love Blake, I love him...but I've come to realize that virtually every guy I've dated in the last three years has been better looking - I'd still do Blake, but he's no Ace Young).

Enjoy your visit/concert/time with family! My Dwight Bobblehead is bobbling to you.

Lu said...

I have to say, although i saw it coming and kiki leaving, that made me a little verklempt. I loved me some LaKisha for a while. And yes her story was sweet.

Bitter Lu is taking a break today. However it's still early so she may be back in full force later =)

I miss Sanjaya too. But not enough to go to Idols on Tour! hahaha

Anonymous said...

I would love to agree with you, however, I really just see Jordin as A GREAT VOICE, but no real personality!!!! Yeah, she's bubbly, but I just want to strangle her when it gets to be too much and that happens a lot! I wish her the best and while I could tolerate her winning I still find her very annoying.

To me, Melinda and Blake are more talented and artistic and I am totally on the Mindy Doo express. However, I do feel your pain on your favorite not winning. It hasn't happened to me in all the years I have watched the show. NO Tamyra, No Clay, No LaToya, No Bo and No Elliot. At least we can agree that one of us should be blessed in this arena eventually.

Anonymous said...

Next to go is Melinda and then Jordin or Blake. They are both awesome and it really depends on who does better on the finale. But I still hope Blake wins. And I was wondering, is it that Jordin is just tall or that Blake and Ryan are short?