Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hey, It's Memorial Day Weekend...Grillin' and Chillin'

Drag out your favorite box of wine and whoop it up people...it's OPENING WEEKEND for Summertime. Yep, took me 2 hours to get home from work, as the entire freakin' Bay Area decided to evacuate as if a 7.5 earthquake had depleted our water supply. Bumper to Bumper with vacationers getting the hell out of Dodge...like we live on the edge of hell here. I hate it when people complain that it's too windy, or it's too foggy. Obviously, that glare off the Golden Gate Bridge is just too much to take. Bunch of spoiled ass whiners these people are. I almost want to start the speech, "Shut up you fool, I used to drive to work in Dallas when it was 95 at 7:30 am, and nearly pass out walking into my office building due to humidity as thick as smoke." But, I know their eyes would glaze over when "dallas" and my accent hit them...because someone from Texas might as well be from Mars out here. They really can't grasp it. It's quite funny. Believe it or not, most have never traveled to TX. So I make up a lot of stories for co-workers like having goats and chickens in my yard, and riding my horse to school in the snow (I lived on the Texas Gulf Coast, snowed 2 times in my life...more time at beach than shoveling snow!) Anyway, by the looks of things at the grocery store tonite, lots of ribs will be flipping on the barbeque grill tomorrow and Sunday. Hope you all have some good plans for maximizing the relaxation quota.

Chad, thanks for the link for Leno. I've been so freaking tired, work has been HELLacious, and I think I was suffering Idol Mania Overload. My eyes were stinging. But I caught up on some stuff today. First of all there are 2,180 possible links on YouTube alone for Jordin Sparks. Chad, I expect you to report on 25% of those by Sunday. LOL kidding! She was cute on Leno. But honestly, I hope what she was wearing is not a sign of what's to come. I was dressed cuter for my trip to the dentist the other day (if I do say so myself).
So, the guy who came in second, Blake, remember him? Well, you won't in about a year, and you can quote me on that. Anyway, he tells People Magazine that he is glad he didn't win. Why? Because of the contractural obligations. And I quote, "I think if you win you have to come back for like 3 years or something." OMG, he's already biting the hand that put his sorry beatboxing ass on the tv. Blake, Blake, Blake. Get you tunes recorded and on shelves before you piss the people paying for it all off. Daddy Dallas doesn't look like he could front you in getting distribution at the Quickie Mart. But listen, since you've now stated TWICE that your record will be a mix of Michael Jackson, DuranDuran, and 80's sounds, Quickie Mart might be the only ones willing to sell your magical tunes. Bada Bing.
So, has anyone watched ON THE LOT? I forgot it was on Thursday night...hopefully TIVO picked it up,
SPEAKING OF TIVO: ha. Did you hear how many people, including Jay Leno, didn't get to see the finale announcement of the winner because Tivo cut it off? HOLY SHIT, I would have shot through my roof. Fortunately, I have been burned by Tivo before and I had set it to record 15 minutes over. I was pissed how the night before Tivo cut off Daughtry. Have to get up pretty early in the morning to trick me on Tivo. Of course I can't program my coffee maker or drive my car in reverse, but really, is that necessary? I even have a backup camera in my mobile unit, and I still "tapped" a pole at the mall today. Hee hee. no marks. Sssshhh...don't tell Greg.
Well, all seems right with the celebrity world today. Rosie O'Donnell is off the View. Hopefully, soon, the View with no longer be in view. I hated that show from the get-go. How has it lasted this long? Even Meredith Viera claims not to watch it. Buncha dumb bitches pretending to be comedians/politicians/celebrity hounds, and really they are just full of themselves. Give bitches like me a bad name, I tell you. I like Ellen. She is just a cool cat, loves the celebrity, hates anyone who's "hatin" and I like to watch her dance...she sux really, but it's funny. I miss DJ Tony. Do you remember John McD on the Rosie Show? What a dumbass. He kissed her ass so bad, he looked like a persian cat.

More later, weekend warriors. Go out and have some fun...hey, anyone going to see Pirates of the Carribean, the Ocho? Isn't this like #8 in the series? God, who thought I would get tired of Depp. Nobody. Bring it on!!!!


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Question...is American Idol ever really shown "Live" on TV?

What did you think of the "Sanjaya" vids?

It is interesting that Blake had never watched idol before he was ON it.

It's cool how Jordin watched all of the previous seasons, had the dream to be on it, and ended up winning it all!

Cole Bronn said...

Yep, this is why I had an issue with Melinda possible winning it. She claimed to just jump in the car with a bunch of friends and go so they could see the bad singers up close in personal. Laugh at the losers, per se. So, no, I did not want her to win when it wasn't her dream. Don't get me wrong, I know it is her dream to not be a backup singer. But I feel like Jordin will have a lot longer career with this, like Kelly Daughtry and Carrie. I really do. I hope I'm right.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Yeah, I think Jordin could be one of the most successful long term, she has time on her side. That and she can only get better.

windycitynut said...

Cole , why all the Blake hating, your girl won. Blake will have a career like Clay Aiken. The View is a total waste of perfectly good airspace. I rather watch Ed McMahon clip his toenails than that garbage. The only thing worse is the show that spawned from the View. Remember that show that was the male version, it had Mario Lopez, Danny Bonadouchebag and some other jokers. It truly was TV's lowest point. I think my screen actually cracked in half. I think it lasted 2 episodes or something. I did catch On The Lot. Where did they find some of these people? Walmart. Hey buddy, do you think you can shoot a movie? "I recorded my nieces birthday party" Great!Come to LA, we have a show!! Isn't it hilarious that the people sent home all blamed their "partners" they were teamed with. The one dude started bawling like Baby Huey. He just realized that filming your WWE pro wrestling figurines doesn't make you a director. Poor guy. Cole, Chillin and Grillin is spot on. No ribs for us though. I tried Salmon on the grill the other day but the things kept flopping off. Am I not doing something right?? Hey Chadgoogle, I lived in Orlando for five years(I know, I moved back to Indiana??) how are things around Wally World??

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Things here in Central Florida are great, man! I've been here Nine years and still love it.

Anonymous said...

Memorial Day weekend. Having Jake's soccer team here for the season-end party. (Kill Me Now!) Tomorrow, taking the boyz to see SHREK3 thanks to the AMC gift card from the Big Mamoo. Pirates will have to wait for Blockbuster, though the boyz already have all the Jack Sparrow loot. That's all the news.

The Seester