Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

2 Go Home Tonite...Pre-Show excitement

If one of the 2 voted off is Jordin, I'm signing off as well. And I'm Telling YOU....if they nail her for ONE bad week, then "they" are dead to me, and that is American Idol. She better make it until it's "Shoot Out at the Diva Corral" night.

So, I hear that Robin Thicke performs tonite. Remember I am on the West Coast and try not to hear any news until I can see it myself. However, it's hard when you are a famous blogger and people feel compelled to feed you scoop. Sort of like PH's paparrazzi, except no one get's outed on my blog, or has pictures of sexual content drawn on their coochies. I digress...back to Robin Thicke...now I saw him on Oprah. And I'm just saying...the high pitch level he sings at makes me think he needs a bigger pair of tighty whitey panties. Sounds a bit like Robin has gotten Big Jim and the Twins caught in a vice. My sister called to say "Cole, what the hell does everyone see in this guy? Sounds like drowning kittens to me". Oh, sad...drowning kittens. I hate that. I love kittens. I'm so sad now. Ok, I'm over it.

So, one hour show. Robin Thicke is screeching and Bon Jovi is going to show them how it's really done.

Phil and Chris better sign off tonite, that's all I'm sayin...

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