Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, May 14, 2007

It's Tuesday in Texas-I'm Going Home, to a Place Where I Belong...

Yep, sadly, I leave Terre Firma Texas in a matter of hours. Printed my boarding pass already...Got an "A" pass on the Southwest Cattle Car express leaving Love Field at 4:50 and headed to San Diego before winging it up to Oakland. I'll land in my Casa and back with the hubby and kitties in less than 24 hours. It's a good thing too because I feel like if I stay longer I'm going to be even sadder to leave. They have EVERYTHING in TEXAS. Big Stores, Big Parking Spaces, Big Hair and Big Attitudes. My little sister yelled at me for putting my elbows on the table. Seriously. She's a mom so I shot her the evil eye, made a bitchy comment something like "This is why I live in California, my self-esteem cannot handle you and mom". Speaking of mom, I swear she has "jumped the shark" with some of HER BIG attitude. The sausage episode was just a preview of things to come. At Wal-Mart tonite, she had a fit because I wouldn't tell her I liked the movie "A Walk in the Clouds" with Keanu Reeves. It's filmed in Napa and she wanted me to buy it. I wouldn't even consider it and walked away...not really thinking much about it. Then I saw Dream Girls and said, "Hey mom, let's buy this and watch it tonite." And she looked at me like a bratty 4 year old and said "I don't know anything about it, not interested." (total lie by the way) I swear to God where is this attitude coming from? This is the same kick-ass fun person watching Daughtry with me, suddenly crying over trashed sausage and Keanu Reeves. Suddenly she's been overtaken by Jewish yentls or something. I gave her a death stare and said, "Let's Go. You're killing me." Oh my god, I forgot this is my American Idol blog, not my "My Life is A Circus" blog. Back to Idol.
The Final 3 are on their final leg of the competition, and that means the IDOL PR machine goes into HYPER DRIVE. It also means we only have 8 more days until our lovely little dish session on Season 6 comes to the end of it's first season of blogging. (holding back the tears now). So, Jay Leno has the BIG 3 on tonite (not simon, randy and pauler, but blake, doo and Jordin). And they seated Jordin next to Jay, Blake in the middle and Melinda in the far away seat. Ok, first things first, Jay asked a question and they said they don't read the internet. Then Melinda said it was upsetting to hear things about her looking like Shrek. Oh SHIT, I hate that. As you know I posted a pick of her on this blog (CHRIS!!!!!!). I felt bad. Sort of. So to make it up to her, I promise to buy one of her songs off Itunes, if she ever gets a cd. I might even buy the whole cd, but atleast .99 cents is yours Doolittle. Promise. Pinky swear.
Leno asked them what they thought of Sanjaya. The girls gave the politically correct answer but Blake, he just rolled his eyes, whistled a little tune and reached for the coffee mug of vodka. So, clearly no love for Sanjaya from Blakey. I have to say, Blake was the most impressive in this trio. He handled the interview the best I think. Jordin was animated and cute, as a 17 year old would be. She ain't no smooth Joss Stone, as CW mentioned in her blog. She's just a normal kid. Melinda just kept telling that lame ass story about how her and some friends came to audition just so they could laugh at the bad people. Found that they had to audition to get in to see the bad people. Never intended on auditioning. Now that pisses me off. She took the spot of someone that really dreamed of this being their break into the biz. She was happy with her place...I don't get it. Who wants to root for someone who wasn't even rooting for themselves and dreaming of audience day and practicing and had a song prepared and everything. Come to think of it...I don't think anyone shows up on a whim...I think she is lying. there I said it.
Finally, Taylor Hicks performs at the end of the show. His new album, song...blah blah blah. It was ok, but I can't get past his funky chicken dance moves. He looks better now than he did on the show, I will say that. he has a Clooney look with the grey hair now.
Ok, nitey night Idol Ites.


Chad Oneil Myers said...

I think Melinda is living a dream that maybe she didn’t think she could dream for herself? I think we’ll get a better idea of how she feels about this whole experience in this weeks “Home Shows”.

I think that there are a lot of people who get turned away by the first wave of judges who are really good singers, but never get to see Simon and co. Think about the people who show up in later seasons who are very talented, but say that they were “turned away” in prior seasons, not even seeing Simon. I think idol producers waste time with all the “intentional Bloopers” that they try to produce for that first unbearable month of the show. As you probably guessed, I don’t really watch that part, it’s a waste of my time.

If they didn’t waste time on putting bad people through “intentionally” just to make the “Blooper Reel” and only put good people through to Randy, Paula and Simon, it would be a totally different competition, a competition of only “great” singers. This recent top 12 is evidence of this. It’s how we got the “Sanjaya Class”, the name I’ve given the first six to go from the top 12. Ok, maybe a few of them were pretty good, like the big haired Chris, but for the most part, the first six were a fair bit weaker. We could have had a “Strong 12”, but it all stems from that first audition phase.

I will say this though, America actaully got it right in crunch time. We’ve enjoyed a strong finish in an otherwise laxidasical season.

This season will have good memories tied to it for me, though, because of talking about it with all of you and some of my personal friends. It’s been a lot of fun, thanks for making this weaker season memorable and worth watching.

That’s my take on American Idol, Season 6.

Christina said...

Yeah, what Chad said.

I don't think Melinda NEVER intended to audition, but I certainly believe she was never 100% as gung-ho as Gina or Jordin -- just because she knows how many people they pass over before they even get to the judges who you know, are better than Sanjaya, and she also knows what it feels like to be rejected and told you aren't good enough. See, that's why I find her pretty genuine -- she's been in the business, she's been told by the industry that she doesn't have what it takes, so to come on the biggest show in the world and then be told how awesome she is over and over again, dude - think about how awesome, yet scary and surreal that would be. I think she knows how good she is - she just isn't used to being told how good she is. Big difference.

And yeah, Blake was the best of the 3 on the charisma scale -- but the fact that Jordin DOES act like a normal 17 year old is actually something I've always really liked about her. I ranked her third, just because I think she needs a little more time to develop before she can become awesome, awesome, awesome -- but she has the best theoretical chance of winning it all.

Christina said...

OK, I just read your entry closer -- sorry your mom went Big Attitudinal on ya -- that always sucks. But you were right to reject "A Walk in the Clouds" -- I'll watch an informerical before that (in fact, before I amassed a $20,000 + DVD collection and thus never had the excuse of having "nothing to watch" I did).

Lu said...

re: Melinda--I get it. She's not a cute girl. I mean she's grown on people since we see her on TV, but really, she's not the conventional cute girl. So the reality is, she probably never thought she had a shot, and probably thought she was too old. She's 29 so for her to break out and be the next big thing is pretty near impossible from the music biz perspective. So she probably didnt have zero intention of auditioning like you said, but I honestly don't think she ever thought she would be in the final three.

I have to try and keep the dream alive for Melinda since that's the only way I may win this pool! :)

And sorry, that shrek photo is still funny even if it is mean.