Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Here we go..last performance nite...last votes to cast...

sniff...sniff...I'm a little veclempt. They're at the Kodak tonite and it's crazy wild. Ryan for some reason decides to dress like banker. Randy dressed like he's just come from the PIrates of the Caribbean premiere. Pauler, wearing more makeup than I had icing on my wedding cake.
Blake, beats it on down. He was really working the crowd. It was really nice energy. He brought it. Although he took the mike from his mouth alot and missed the vocals a bit. 4 Daughtrys
Jordin...oh girl, you came to win this competition. LOVE the hair. Singer Christina...a hot pop tart song for sure, good choice of a young song. Fighter! Oh yeah...this rocks. Now this is the shit I would buy a concert ticket to see...personality and running the audience into a frenzy. Chills. The bi-atch rocks...which is weird to say about a 17 year old. 5 CARRIES My first round goes to Jordin. Not so with Simon. But who cares. She was awesome.
Blake lets American Idol sell him out to Maroon 5, who has a new album out. Adam Levine, Robin Thicke...Blake can put out an album like them, I suppose. Not a fan of the this. I don't really like copying a popular song. You tend to compare. And actually he's doing a great job. I'd rather hear this version than Maroon 5's. He has stayed true to his style in every way. I think that was awesome. 5 Daugtrys. He was so smooth. Judges: Capt. Randy ok; Nosy- ok Simon- got itchy balls or something tonite...he's in a crabby mood.
Jordin's 2nd song: From country week...she has such a great way of showing emotion. I like that about her. 5 Carries. She really did a nice job on that one. Especially the final note. Capt. Randy...better than the original Nosy-excellent Simon-now THAT was good. Didn't pick a winner out of that round. Where's my phone? I need to start dialing.
During the break I must say I am excited because before tonite is over, I will have passed the 5000 hits mark on the blog. Whoo Hoo. I heard the song winner tune will play better to Jordin, as it is a ballad. Let's see, here goes Blake. Gma Munster is doing well. I actually like this song. What's it called? "This is My Now?" Hey, the backup singers are fucking this up. They sound out of tune. PItchy all over the place. This is dragging man. It needs to speed up tempo. I don't like it Blake. Sorry. He's jumping faster than the drummer is tapping. 3.5 Daughtrys Let's see what judges say. Capt and Nosy - check Simon: exactly what Coley says. Blake showed the tattoos tonite. Never noticed before.
Jordy...here we go. OK, I'll buy this record the very millisecond it comes on the market. Nice emotional clencher. Nice job, way to go. Tears in my eyes. I feel like I have just watched a real superstar being born, just like I did with Carrie. Judges: Simon: WIPED THE FLOOR WITH BLAKE ON THAT ONE. LADIES and Germs...THAT IS OUR AMERICAN IDOL. I think I am so excited about her. Win or Lose, she was awesome tonite and has a great career ahead of her.
Blake will be great too...if I was going to put Blake up against Justin Guarini, Clay Aiken, Rueben, Taylor...I go with Blake. Jordin, I rank her 3rd in all the woman. Ahead of J Hud. I think she has more personality in her singing. I couldn't pick a 1, 2 for Carrie or Kelly...too different...but here's a hint. I award 5 Carries tonite for a reason. I love this moment, and to everyone that has poo pood the show this season, and I was there a little bit, I take it back. This was WAY better than 3 of the last 5 season finales. I mean...Taylor and Kat? Don't even compare.
I'm giddy. Can't wait until tomorrow night. I will hardly sleep tonite. OH MY GOD. DAUGHTRY. YIPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!! See the eyeliner. Well, I guess it's hot. I mean he is a rocker and all. Let's just say I wouldn't kick him out of my .... for eating crackers. hee hee. Yowzah! Here's a tip...if you are a song writer, I'd get going on a "I've been voted off" lyric right now. I mean "had a bad day" put Daniel Powter on THE map, and on Oprah. Home with D-man...BIG Bucka roos. Have you seen his ranking at Itunes lately? Top 10 for WEEKS on end. Nice job Daughtry. Mmm. Next season, will I award "Blakes" to someone? You'll have to wait and see. Nice closing shot of the 2 hugging. OK< tuning in to ON THE LOT!!! We will be reviewing it during Idol off season...among other reality shows.

NiteyNite Idol Ites...


Chad Oneil Myers said...

...I knew you'd like "Daughtry" on there. You noticed I didn't ruin that surprise for you.

I'm glad he's doing well. Definitely a cool cat.

Cole Bronn said...

Hee Hee Chad. You waited for me to post! You're so great! Now lights out. It's way past your bed time in Florida. If I see you log back on tonite, you're in trouble buddy. Wink.

Anonymous said...

From The Dallas Morning News via The Seester:

'Idol:' Jordin keeps the emotions coming
By DARLA ATLAS / Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News

As Jordin Sparks poured her heart into her final song on Tuesday night's Idol, Melinda Doolittle watched from the crowd with an intense stare. Probably imagining how she would have done it.

Yeah, that would have been interesting. At least then we'd have a competition.

Instead, we had the equivalent of Michael Jordan playing hoops against a YMCA second-grader. It was almost embarrassing. Sure, Blake Lewis rocked the house with his fun take on "You Give Love a Bad Name," but his next two numbers were full of sour notes and distracting outfits. (How many argyle vests and slouchy dress pants can one man own?)

He wasn't aided in the least by the tune that won the online songwriting competition. It was your standard Idol-winner's anthem – not a blip of beatboxing – called "This Is My Now." Which really makes no sense. Hey, it's everybody's now. One cannot claim "now."

After Blake sang the ditty and pretended to enjoy himself, Randy Jackson said he did OK: "You don't have to feel that bad about it." Ouch! Jordin, meanwhile, was so moved by the lyrics – particularly the "I can't believe this love I see" part – that she was in tears by the final note. (As was Simon Cowell? His eyes seemed suspiciously watery when he apologized for not believing in Jordin last week.)

But it was Jordin's emotion-generating "A Broken Wing" that not only sealed the deal, but brought back the spark that's been missing for much of this season.

Also back – thanks to A Broken Nose – was Paula Abdul's loopy-doopy self. Wearing extensions that looked like they'd gone through a split-ends enhancer, she smiled, giggled and refused to pick the best singer. But it was clear how the other judges felt, with comments like "You just wiped the floor with Blake on that song" and "You deserve it all, baby."

Unless America is also loopy, it will have to agree.

Darla Atlas is a freelance writer in Fort Worth.


Lu said...

Cole--Your girl Jordin gave me chills on the finale. (I am back btw--i was gone since Saturday in case you missed me)

It actually got me a bit teary eyed I must admit. A good finale, but I think it was a bad choice for Blake to sing Maroon 5 again. Too much of a pigeon hole for him.

Jordin is walking away with this thing.

Anonymous said...

blake was WAAAAAAY too nice when he let jordin go last. if jordin wins, it will be because of that last song. the was not blake's type of song. i think those two guys who wrote that song wrote it FOR jordin. i LOVED blake's she will be loved. it was AWESOME. and his first song was good too. i liked it better then the first time he sang it. jordin was good too, but i still want blake to win.
chris's eyeliner crap scared the daylights out of me. it FREAKED me out. i love that song though, but i was too distracted by his frwaky "guyliner". what the heck is guyliner? seriously, makeup is for GIRLS.

Cole Bronn said...

GUYLINER> I love it. Yes, see my pics of him from the concert in Dallas, he wears the guyliner as part of his regular gig. Eek. I guess the original makeup artists, GreenDay will be on tonite. More guyliner than we can deal with in 2 nights 4 sure.