Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Terrible Tuesday...the day after a 3-Day Weekend

I hate Terrible Tuesdays. They snap you back to reality...the realization that you have not retired, although a 3 day weekend tricks you to sleeping late and staying up late with abandon. And you get back to work and everyone is happy and refreshed for about 2 minutes, and bada bing, the bitching starts.

Then people start to yawn, and go for coffee, so they are alert bitchers. And then the food starts circulating, along with the "have you got that done yet?" emails...and then you want to KILL the overachiever workaholics who did not need the morning to catch up because they worked all weekend...and it seems only worked at figuring out ways to make you miserable on Terrible Tuesday.

Hmmm. What's for dinner? It's 4:15...only 3 more hours and I will be back in my safe haven in happy land surrounded by my cats, my tv and my hubby. Will I make it? At this point, it's touch and go. And those damn whales are starting to back up traffic with looky loo-ers. Who made up that name? Looky Loo? It's like on tv now. I'm reading a really good trash novel right now. It's like a fun tv show in my head. I made myself leave it at home, or I'd be sneaking into a closet to read it at work, like a nerd. It's the next book from the Devil Wears Prada author. Total chick lit. I wish I had saved it for vacation, but alas did not. But I do have 2 waiting in the wings. The Divorcee' Debutantes...sounds like a real page turner, doesn't it? And Bergdorf Blondes. Oooohhh. I totally bought these books based on the color of the cover. That's how you know they are chick lits.

Please don't hate me for wasting your time on this post. Terrible Tuesday and it sucked the life out of me. But I feel much better. If you were here I'd buy you a Coke. Bye now.

1 comment:

windycitynut said...

Glad to see that I wasn't the only one that was miserable today. I saw Pirates 3 yesterday. Pack a lunch and take some extra clothes cuz it's a tad long. I found a lot of things wrong with this movie but I'm a critic. If you love SPX, go see it. They went a little overboard(pun intended) with the Jack Sparrow character, kinda how they made Stifler in American Wedding. I made the mistake of downing two big cups of soda during the flick, damn refills. Three hour movie, gallon of soda, you do the math. When are they going to have little screens in the urinals so you don't miss anything. Hmmm, I might have found my next million dollar idea. Later.