Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

KingGooglerChad and WindyCityNut

Special post for "my guys" on the blog.
Ok, my calm little researcher Chad. Do you own stock in YouTube? You should. I simply don't have enough time to go to all the links you send. Ok, my bad, I lied. Truth? I can't get my fucking computer to open half of them. I'm lame. I suck. Buffering bullshit makes me insane and I just shut the screen. So, sorry buddy, sometimes I just can't do it. But keep posting so everyone can see it! Seriously, you're my favorite celebrity search engine.
Keeping me on my toes and laughing. Calling me out for hatin' Blake. I don't hate him. I just don't see him hanging around with a career. I mean beat boxing has a very narrow niche market appeal. I look at it this way...if I'm watching a show on animals, and all of a sudden someone starts wrestling alligators, I think 'that's entertaining. But do I want all the shows I watch to have alligator wrestling as part of the entertainment. Am I going to buy an alligator wrestling DVD? Nope. Ergo...not buying Blake's DuranJackson Musical Medleys of the '80s cd. Not gonna' do it. Not gonna' do it. Wouldn't be prudent. I'm going to do a little research on "Number Two" and post what I find...and I think one year from now, we will be Blake who-in? on the blog. And you'll owe me a prize. Hey, I'm glad you are SO into ON THE LOT. I'm going to watch it faithfully and I look forward to your insightful wit on it.
Little cooking tip for you, buddy. There is this thing called a Grill mat. It's a black sheet of silicone with holes in it...


Chad Oneil Myers said...

That's sad that you can't see the youtube vids :(

"Youtube" is the new "google". Of course, google now owns youtube, but I'm sure they're glad they do.

Cole Bronn said...

I can view some...and actually most.

Hope your weekend is going well. Enjoying all the scoop on Lindsay Lohan and her coke-mobile?

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Ok, I'll keep the links coming then.

I had not heard of Lohan's accident until you mentioned something. So, I "googled" her and found out. Wow! She's blessed to be alive!

...Lindsay taking drugs...just goes to show that you can have lots of money and fame, but if you're not happy inside, it doesn't matter. That's why celebs go through relationships, drugs and hard drinking like they do...because they're still not really happy in life.

One would think she'd be happy with just being "Lindsay Lohan"...pretty celebrity that can have whatever she wants, but it's just not the case.

On a very side note, I've always preffered Lindsay to her competition "Hilary Duff", Lindsay just has more of the look I like...I seem to prefer Brunettes over Blonds more for some reason ;)

One thing that annoyed me a while back, was when they showed Paris' one time boyfriend calling Lindsay some obsene name. Remeber that? That guy was retarded himself.

windycitynut said...

Sometimes I wonder if these Hollywood queens just try to out do each other for publicity. I mean, think about the stuff they do and the lame "punishment" they get. If it was you or I, we would be "sent away" Cole style. We need to focus on other things rather than these "princesses". Do they sign my paychecks? Do they pay my mortgage? Do they do anything thing for me? NO!! But they sure are fun to talk about, right?! Great weekend so far. It hasn't stopped raining since Friday night. Nice tomorrow, of course I'll be inside a movie theatre for three hours to see Pirates 3. Nice. My Mom owes me.