Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

One Reality Show I will NOT be watching

Have you seen the promos for this ridiculous show "The Ex-Wives Club"? In brief, it's these 3 ex-wives of celebrities and they feel they can offer advice to the "love-lost" and help them get through it.

Ok, so these 3 woman are going to practice psychiatry without a license on national tv, based on the dysfunctional marriages they had...mmm. I smell a disaster. Now who are they?
1. Shar Jackson - Married? to Kevin Federline, 2 kids, 3 and 5 year old. Has 2 other kids from some other schmo.
2. Marla Maples - ex of the Donald...followed Ivanka, but before Melania. One child, Tiffany
3. Angie Everhart - engaged to Sly Stalone, realized he had no brain cells, and married George Hamilton's son Ashley, and probably came to same conclusion (him not her) and divorced, no kids

Ok, so these are 3 woman that were married to 3 men that I quite doubt are capable of having a meaningful relationship with a Pet Rock. Sly, KFed and The Donald. Homer Simpson would have been a better choice of a mate.

I think this reality show should have been...How 3 dumb women chose the 3 dumbest men standing upright to procreate with and in some cases marry. And then the commentator could end each show looking each of them in the eye saying "How could you sleep with such a dumbass?" And then Homer's "Doh" voice comes on...Now that is some tv worth watching!
I heart Homer.


Chad Oneil Myers said...

...Wait a minute...K Fed has two other kids to some other woman too? Four kids total??? Jeesh! What do women see in this guy????? Does he really have that much going for him? Not from what the media shows.

Britt could have done so much better. But, instead she decided to procreate with this guy then make him an ex-husband, how nice.

Anonymous said...

Seester . . . Ivanka is the daughter. Ivana is the first Mrs. Trump.

Your seester, the editrix.

windycitynut said...

Hmmm, marriage advice from three woman who were celebrity hounds. Sign me up!! Not. I think reality tv just bottomed out. I don't know what's worse, these woman or the execs that thought this was a show worth doing.

Christina said...

Chad - where were you? He left Shar (and I don't think they were ever married, engaged, but not married) while she was pregnant with kid #2 for Brit-Brit. I have no moral problem with dating a dude who has a girlfriend (look, maybe this makes me a bitch, but that's her problem and his problem -- not mine), but I draw the line in two circumstances: ring on the finger (and this is less out of principle for the sanctity of marriage - though I guess that's part of it - and more because married bitches will RUN YOU OVER WITH THEIR CAR) and has kid/kid on the way with wife/girlfriend/fiancee/whatever -- unless you know that relationship is actually over and done with, it is messed up to screw around with a guy who has a baby mama -- especially if she's pregnant. Britney knew about her, knew they had a kid together, had been together for years, were kind of the outs, but you know, still were having a second child together and she still invited that low-life loser to join her in England, as all of us who watched the perverse oddity that was "Britney and Kevin: Chaotic" can attest -- he's scum, but she's scum too. You don't go after a guy who's woman is pregnant, so they deserved each other.

And Angie Everhart is clearly dumb too - because Sly, OK, I get that she didnt't know he was a moron (though, come on, all one has to do is rent F.I.S.T. - I mean, really, he wrote and directed that piece of cinematic toilet paper), but Ashley Hamilton - as in Shannen Doherty's first husband Ashley Hamilton? Smooth. I mean, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Shannen (Brenda Walsh forever, seriously) - but even she admitted that was a disaster (they were married for 6 months, and separated for 5 of those 6 months...they got married on a total lark cos she was in the midst of her "wild child" stage that looks positively tame by Lohan/Britney/Paris standards) and that he was mentally unstable. Angie, Angie, Angie.

Oh, I just looked up her Wikipedia - she was involved with some Duke...whatever, she just wants to get back on TV.