Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Rankings for the Final 3, as Coley B sees it...

Here are the Final 3 as I see it.
1. Jordin
2. Melinda
3. Blake
Christina, I just read your blog on USA Today. I'm glad you found me from that site, and I in turn, keep up with you. Here's Christina's predicted 3:
1. Doohickie
2. Blake
3. Jordan
Christina, you made some great points in defense of your picks, but in the end I feel you are FULL OF SHIT :p Jordin is going to win, not come in 3rd, as you predict. Really, love you...mean it...but we have to agree to disagree on this one. As I've said before, I don't see a lot of depth with Blake, and I don't see myself wanting to watch an interview with him on Entertainment Tonite. I do not deny that Melinda has a voice. I don't think she is an American Idol. Jordin can step into the cast of "That's So Raven, Hanna Montana or any of those girly girl young artists (think early Hilary Duff and Avril L.) and will be a true force in the very near future.

Let's the competition begin. Love to hear everyone else's thoughts at this point of competition.

Nitey Night. I'm exhausted. Going back to California tomorrow. Happy and Sad.


Christina said...

Hey, I love you too - and I'm totally fine with you disagreeing with me! That was just my personal ranking, not how I actually think it'll turn out. If the final 2 is Blake or Jordin, Jordin wins. Blake or Melinda, Melinda wins...Melinda or Jordin...shit, I don't know.

Have a safe flight home tomorrow!

Cole Bronn said...

Thanks CW...I think it's safe to say, there ain't no Kelly, Chris or Carrie in this bunch. I hope they surprise me, and I hope they don't end up like Trailer Hicks. However, more on him in my next post.

Thanks for not taking my spar personal. I knew you could handle it!!! You're a real pistol packing chick. And kudos for that great post on USA Today even though you were supposed to be studying for finals. Busted!!!!!!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I think there’s a good chance that it will be “Jordin, Melinda, and Blake” in that order. At least it should be. There could be some upsets involving Melinda and Blake being switched out, but I’m really thinking Jordin has a great chance at that one spot...or two.

The thing is, it might be better for her to get second?...but not third.

Jordin has hollywood written all over her like Kat McPhee does. I’m not saying that they’re the same personality (I know there’s some girls out there who don’t like Ms. McPhee) they both just have the talent and the “Look” that sells.