Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, May 28, 2007

One thing I MUST have....the Daughtry pick

Like I said earlier, Chris Daughtry is everywhere this weekend...with AmyB seeing him at TIgerJam and Christina seeing him somewhere in Georgia. And lo and behold, here he is on Friday's episode of Ellen. She loves herself some Daughtry. This is his second appearance, and she let him sing 2 songs. She is also very turned on by his Daughtry tattoo across his shoulders, and tries to coax him to take his tee off and show it again. And then she gets some scissors brought up and he wrestles her, tosses the scissors across the floor and says "sorry". haha. She was stunned, but laughing. He is such a great interview. And I'm not just sayin' cause he's my MBF (musician boyfriend) Here's the link:
And I MUST have the custom guitar pick with his face on it, that he gave Ellen. It's a little guitar pick with his face! I want it! I can add it to my collection...well I only have one other famous guitar pick...Sammy Hagar gave me a pick on a plane from Cabo San Lucas, where I was on my honeymoon. He took a picture with us and reached in his pocket and gave me a pick, wished us a happy marriage, and made some sex joke with my husband. It was pretty cool. He was great. I loves the Sammy.

Anyway, I think together we can find a way for me to get this pick, don't you? Ebay? Home invasion robbery? There has to be a way? We need to pull out all the connections. This will be my summertime mission.

Did I tell you how I got a script from Season 3 stolen from the set of Idol? And I have a complete set of Ryan Seacrest cue cards that he held in his actual sweaty tiny little man hands? Oh yes I do. I completely forgot about those. Maybe I'll go snap some digi's of those and post. Just so you know I'm not lyin', and so you know I will get that freakin' pick. By September 1, I will have that pick.


On a pick mission, ColeyB


Chad Oneil Myers said...

The script and cue cards sound really cool, Cole! You should post them, I would just like to see what they look like.

Cole Bronn said...

Okey Dokey. this means i have to get up from the tv, but ok, for you Chad.

How's finding that Daughtry pick for me going? Got any leads yet?