Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Message to HATER that posted on the blog...

Dear Anonymous,
Hey, what if I wrote this to you?

"Get off my fucking blog, you loser, and get back to your life of making everyone around you miserable." Now that wasn't very nice was it? Sort of angry and mean, and not funny at all. I don't care if you hate Jordin, or Blake, but you have to like something about the show to post here. Otherwise, why do you watch and why do you post your hate on my blog? Balanced feedback is all I ask. As I said, freedom of speech welcomed, but not just 100% negative, unless it's funny. Those are the rules. Play nice...or atleast with some humor. If I was to edit your post I'd say:

"I think I'll poke my eyes out with forks before I watch next week's show, Jordin is the total package of poo in my opinion and Blake is a gangster. I loved Melinda. She was the best. It's not fair they took away my Melinda."
See, in the paragraph above, we can FEEL your pain, and understand your hatin' of Jordin and Blake. You are distraught with your loss. Now it all makes sense and you don't appear to be the hatin' psychopath you original represented in your comment.
This concludes today's lesson on how not to piss off author of this Blog. (see previous posts on "hits" I have taken out this season, and my attachment to Eye-talians. Consider yourself warned.)

Have a Nice Day!

Go Jordin, go jordin, Total package, TOTAL Package. UH-Huh Uh-huh, uh-huh-huh


Anonymous said...

Never cross Cole. NEVER. Words of advice from afar. I spend my days being pushed around in a wheel chair drinking my meals cuz of the blog hit bestowed upon me. My name is Ernie and Cole approved this message.

Lu said...

what kind of crazies are reading this thing? Goodness.

Go Jordin...even though a Jordin win means 0$$ for me in the pool. May the best girl win, and I do mean her or blake.