Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ryan Sez: Explosive Performance by JLo tonite...

Well, the opening was certainly explosive...like a stink bomb going off in high school chem lab. Those group sings need to be better, in my opinion, because think about it...this is what the tour has to offer. Yuk! Maybe they give tickets away with a tank of gas 45 minutes before each show to put butts in seats.

Alright, all the b00shit aside, let's get to the bottom 3 crapola. I predict Phil, Haley and Sanjaya (wishful thinking).Phil...in the bottom. Ok, I"m 1 for 3. KiKi and Jordin are safe. oh, they are toying with SanJJ. Melinda is getting her verdict. She is safe. PTA MOM LIVES for another week. Haley, start your march to the bottom 3. ok, I'm 2 for 3. Please SanJayJay. Oh, they are f-in with him good tonite. Blake, you know he is safe. Check. Chris, who they call Timberfake...funny internet people. Chris is in bottom 3. For God's sake, who cares, we know Chris ain't leaving. I can't believe they are keeping JLo to the end of the show. Ok, sending Chris back to the sofa. Phil is so nice. What a great Dad he probably is. Why would he want to win this shit, and have his life turned upside down?

Here come JLo. She look like a hot tamale. Nice song. Cool. I can't help but really like her.

Haley is history. Well, she has a future in modeling if music don't cut it. She can play Cindy Crawford's evil sister in some Disney movie...I'm sad, I wanted Phil to go. Oh well. Wow, Haley is getting a full tv singout. Show ran short tonite. And Ryan didn't drag out enough with JLo. Good Job Haley. As I said last night, I hope you packed your bags. Stole the hotel robes and stuff.

So, thoughts on legs walking out the door?


Lu said...

THANK GOD Haley Skanknatto is gone. Finally. And even better that I had her out the door last week in the pool. Better late then never.

I can't wait to see Sanjaya as the rhinestone cowboy for country week. I hope that's from my lips to God's ears...or at least Sanjaya's ears...*whispering*(rhinestone cowboy...sanjaya)

Unknown said...

What was Sanjaya thinking when he was making comments about getting J-Lo's phone number? And that Marc didn't need to find out? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose for him, since he would want J-Lo's digits to GET TO Marc?
I am exicted for country music week. Coley, who is the star? Carrie?

Cole Bronn said...

The star is Martina McBride. Snooze. She's sappy sweet, mom-ish. Sings uplifting songs. Not kick your ass for cheating on me songs. Probably never gotten drunk in a c&w bar ever, like yours truly.

I think it's going to be fun to see how they stretch the theme. NONE of them are C&W material.

Caiazzo said...

Once again the Stern and Sanjaya fan base have rocked the nation like never before. The producers can try all they like by placing fake boos in the crowd, but we all know who the true American Idol is for 2007.

I was very sad to see Haley go, but really not suprised. Real shame we won't be seeing the legs next week. It's always good to have eye candy on the show.

I have actually heard a rumor on several of the blogs that Sanjaya will indeed be riding in on a horse next week. Yes you think the hair, spanish voice, and comments to J-Lo were out there...well get ready for the next Texas cowboy to rock your boots off next week.
Now this has not been confirmed but he might actually give a call out to the Texas A&M aggies next week to get Cole's aggie nation vote.

windycitynut said...

Let's all give a moment of silence for Haley's legs.....Don't worry, we will see them again soon(Maxim, FHM, Playboy). Martina McBride is exactly like what Cole said, mommish. We already have a couple of Moms on the show. I feel like we are watching a really boring PTA meeting. Random thoughts, I hate it when idol feels like it's not getting enough phone votes and sticks a favorite in the bottom three to trigger more votes. This started in season 1 when they put Tamyra (an early favorite) in the bottom two. They did this with Rueben in Season two and so on..Also, they select guests to work with the idols that are nuturing rather than confrontational and/or critical. I mean you think JLo really likes Sanjaya?? Speaking of the hair boy wonder. I bet he goes old school again next week and trys to drop some Johnny Cash on us. Like, Fulsom County Blues but he'll change the lyric to "I once butt raped a guy just to watch him die..." I can't wait. Not one country soul in the group. Melinda will definetly sing a Patsy Cline tune. Don't even bet me on that one. Long rant, my fingers hurt. See ya later cowpokes!!

Cole Bronn said...

First of all Anthony, what do you mean by "things I read on other blogs." You're CHEATING ON ME reading others news on Idol. If I could, I'd block you off my site, you cheater.

2nd, No Aggie is going to vote for that dumbass. Longhorns maybe.

3rd, go back to Howard Stern. You're dead to me.

krs24rbn said...

Whoa, I think it should be pointed out that I did have Haley going home this week. So I was 4 for 5? What's the likelihood Sanjaya will be gone next week?

Christina said...

OK - the radio version of Kelly Clarkson's new single leaked (it's shitty quality, because someone literally recorded it off of the radio, and it sounds like they did it off of Internet radio going at like 32 or 64 kbps) but it's the best available as of 9:30 AM EST (6:30 your time) download here. It's good, very much in line with the best of her singles from her last album - granted, not a single line or hook is half as catchy as "and hell yeah/I'm the motherfucking princess" (that section is my new MP3 ringtone) but then, what really is? I love Kelly and all, but she totally owes Alanis Morrisette like 90% of her publishing royalties, because that song is so ripped off from "You Oughtta Know" - it isn't even funny. That song/album represented my 7th grade angst, so my 13 year old self dies a little knowing that it's legacy has been to inspire a former American Idol to turn it into a pop song. I honestly want the 13 year olds of today to turn to Avril Lavigne for their angst instead of Kelly Clarkson, at least based on first singles -- and that is something I thought I would shoot myself in the head before utter. In 2002, I wanted both KC and Avril Lavigne to disappear from the industry and never enter my brain again. My, how things change.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Yes, Haley will be missed ;)

She was the appropriate one to go though.

I did not agree with Chris being in the "bottom three", I don't think idol producers put him there, I just think the crazy, mixed up group of "Fanjaya" voters did.

"Country Western" week is probably Simon's least favorite week, he's always said that he doesn't "get" "country" music.