Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Former Idols Top 10 Finalist ARRESTED

Remember her? Well, last time you saw JESSICA SIERRA she wasn't being booked for bonking a dude on the head with a glass beer mug in a bar fight. She was a top 10 finalist the year Fantasia was crowned winner (or deemed the only one that was remotely talented in a bunch of screechers). Those of you that received free tickets to that year's Idol Tour (because I know none of my readers would have paid good money to see that group) got to see Jessica perform, before she took her act solo. And by "act" I mean, her acting as a drug crazed looney that has landed her "3 hots and a cot" at the county jail for a while.

Idol fans: It's a sad day when one of our past contestants has a hard time keeping it together when faced with people like Sanjaya on all the talk shows. It's enough to make one turn to a life of debauchery and misfortune.

Here's some advice for those of you who have been spit out by the AI machine. When posing for your future mug shots, and you know there are more to come, always remember to smile. This photo will be posted all over the place faster than you can plead not-guilty. Never forget you are a star that got extinguished a little too early... no matter how much you drank or how much you've drugged, you were once an AI star. You owe it to us to keep polish on that former title. You can throw up on your cell mates later, but right now this is your last chance to control your own spin on the unfortunate incarceration. It's really hard to turn that frown upside down when USA Today pastes you on the splash page. I give this mugshot 1 Mikela. She wouldn't have gotten 2 but it does appear she has been keeping up with her highlights and did try a slight head tilt in the photo, which she undoubtedly learned on American Idol on the red carpet.

In the future, to those that find themselves in Jessica's situation, where things have turned a little rough around the edges and the paparrazzi yelling your name has been replaced with an officer droning "turn to the left, turn to the right...", always remember one thing..just stand still and look pretty.


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Didn't take you long to jump on this;)

I had just saw the story on the evening local news down here in Florida. This happened about an hour from where I live.

Actually, Jessica is from Carrie Underwood and Bo Bice's idol class. I was voting for her early on since she was a local favorite, but once she got eliminated, my votes went to Carrie.

Christina said...

God, she's always been trailer trash -- I think she was trying to make it as a country star. She must be on drugs because she's way thinner than the last picture I saw of her, like a year ago, and I always associate that kind of acne around the mouth with drugs (probably meth - she looks like the type that would do meth).

I'll add to your advice, if arrested, always make sure you get a chance to use cover-up before your mug shot is taken. I've never been arrested, and I never plan on being arrested - but if I ever am, you better fucking believe I'm going to convince the cops to give me two minutes to touch up my lip-gloss before getting my photo taken. You know that really hot teacher in Florida that fucked the 14 year old (which yes, is awful - but you can't really tell me that kid felt violated because a hot 23 year old wanted to do him) - the woman is clearly, clearly nuts - but dammit, she knew how to take a good mugshot.

Lu said...

Cole--This post is so sad. Gotta love the interesting people that wind up on Idol. I think every season has had a run-in with the law. Do you remember those super annoying twin brothers from last year? Didn't they get arrested too? Come on kids, let's obey the law shall we.

BTW i do hope you still continue to write even after Idol is over. I don't know what i'd do if i didnt get to continue reading even after the show is done. Because let's face it, your blog is one of the only reasons i am even continuing to watch this season.

So check it out, yesterday I threw that party for my friend--she was totally surprised btw. But anyway, her friend and I had a heated argument last year over Kat McPhee vs. Elliott Yamin (I as you may know can not stand McPhee, something about her bugged me and still bugs me now). He was at the party, and we've made Idol amends as we've both come to an agreement that Jordin is the one to beat. Sorry Melinda Mom, I need to pledge loyalty the the rising star, not the sinking ship.

Cole Bronn said...

Chad, just goes to show you, everything you read aint' necessarity true. the article I read said she was on with Fantasia.

Personally, I didn't remember her. Makes sense now because I was ALL about Carrie that season.

Lu, you go girl, and stand by your principles. McPheever will screw up, you'll see. We will see a nipple slip or commando shot in her future.

windycitynut said...

Cole, you could start a mug shot diary with former Idols. Corey Clark, those annoying drama twins from last year. I think Tamyra Gray even had a mug shot(stolen merchandise if I remember correctly). I think Jessica looks like a washed up Coyote Ugly dancer. If you did read her Idol profile her other talent was "dancer". She will end up dancing again at a fine local establishment like "The Torch". Still love your "blogs". Later.