Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Kelly Clarkson's New Single Hits Radio Today

Title of the track is "Never Again". Just read the lyrics online and it sounds like an Alanis Morissette kick your ass tune. First line is "I hope that ring you bought her turns her finger green." Awesome. Kelly goes bitchy and bitter. That's a good rock tune ...now if I could just buy the single. Dammit. Itunes is failing me. I should just go home sick and stalk a radio station until someone gives me a download. Please someone help me find where I can buy it. All they are saying is it hits the radio airwaves today. I can't stand it. HELP!!!! I need the tune.

Her album is titles "My December", which happens to be my birthday month, so that's a good sign. She says it's her favorite album yet and it's all her...her angst and her wackiness. Her rollercoaster lile set to music with lyrics to match. Can't wait. Can you tell I''m excited? Ok, good.


Christina said...

Okay, the original hasn't been linked yet (at least according to the one website I checked), but a remix can be found here: http://www.evilshare.com/137d9f7e-383a-102a-847b-00a0c993e9d6

Christina said...

actually, let's make that link friendly: here

Cole Bronn said...

Wow, you're evil. And I love it. This sounds great, but I would love to hear the original. I am uncomfortable with pirating music, since I work for a software publisher. Ethics and all. But as I understand it, this is the way the music industry creates buzz, so I guess I should get over it.
You Rock!!!

Christina said...

Hey, I'm not into music piracy either (OK, that's a total lie - but honestly, I'm begging for the RIAA or the MPAA to try to sue me -- I would no joke, come into court with my $20,000+ DVD collection (and that's a low estimate) and my probably $8K legal music collection and basically just tell them to shove it) - iTunes already got $30 from me this week, the single just isn't available otherwise. The DJ that remixed it released it publicly on his site, if it makes you feel better. Last I heard, the release date got moved back to Friday, so I'm unsure when the radio version will leak.