Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Rehab is for Quitters

You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a celebrity going in or out of rehab. It's really sad. Not for the lame-o celebrities, but for those that want to go and get help for a serious addiction brought on by their inability to cope with some element of their lives. And suddenly, these twerps that can't handle their gizzillions and non-stop flashbulbs in their eyes land in their rehab facility. Can you imagine having to sit in group therapy while Brit or LL whines about how they can't believe the stalkarazzi put pictures of their cooters on the internet. I'd slap them into another time zone, for sure. Of course, then I'D be bounced from rehab and into anger management classes...but I digress. Let's look at the rehab escape from the celebs eyes...well they need to check out of life for a bit. Seems the fans are starting to bore of their antics and surprisingly pics of their v-jayjays. And what better place than Promises...still close to Rodeo Dr., so their shopping addiction can still be fed...still close to friends and famous people, so their egos can continue to be stroked, and a much better way to stay in the tabloids, as opposed to just flying to the other side of the world, and secluding yourself to recharge, regroup and figure out how to unravel the mess you've made of your life.
So, why did I bring up this subject...
I just finished surfing for some new songs for my Ipod. They have a feature on Itunes where they select a bunch of songs based on the music you've already purchased...Just For You, is the little section they create. Anyway, I go through and listen to a bunch of :30 snippets, purchase about 10 songs, and go on to surfing. And then, I recognize the name of one of the "new artists" I just added to my Ipod. Holy crap, it's Britney Spears new rehab hookup Howie Day.

I can't believe it. Well, alls I'm sayin' is .99 cents of my money better not be spent toward a condom for that hookup. Funny thing is, he's in there by court appointment, and doesn't get out for a couple of weeks still. So Brit-Brit and him continue to text message their love for each other. Train Wreck...that girl is just a whirling dirvish of disaster. Run Howie Run.
And really, I'm just pissed. I had decided Howie was a hottie and I was going to name him my April Celebrity crush. Hottie Howie was going to be my Spring Fling. I mean I'm married to a super-duper Idol watchin' groovy guy. But I do loves me a hot little musician. Some of my past crushes are Nick Lachey...post Jessica. I called it my Sympathy Crush. Chris Daughtry...no explanation needed. Ace Young...Father Figure performance on AI killed me...Colby Donaldson on Survivor...cause he was from Texas and had nice teeth and was really mean to that stupid girl. John Mayer...pre-Jessica, because I loved his hair. Keith Urban...pre-Nicole...because he's downright sexy to the bone.

Anyway, I better do something else on this pretty Saturday besides write blogs. I think I'll go read my new People Mag that Lauren bought me as a surprise on Friday. Thanks LvlyLrn.

1 comment:

windycitynut said...

Who the heck is Howie Day?? Sounds like the kid delivering my paper. I need to move to LA. I feel so out of the loop here in Ho-dunkville.