Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Final 6...How do you rank them finishing now???

I think this week is a non-vote off week. It's the special "idol Gives Back" thing. So, what do you all think about sending me your thoughts, as of today, now that Sanjinxy is out of the running and can stop flubbing everything up.

Here's my picks:

1. Jordin - my girl. She's a groovy one.
2. Blake - because I like the girl and boy showdown...and they are so different
3. Melinda - Troll Patrol and yet very talented. Nice "cop a squat" move this week. I love her hair-do now.
4. Chris - I think Blake is going to ace him out, but I could be wrong. A TimberBlake vs. TimberFake showdown would be nice, but it ain't gonna' happen (reference #1)
5. KiKi - days are numbered. She's tired.
6. Phil - country week is over, and he's gonna have to find a groove on...and he don't gots it. But...wait for it....wait for it...ring a ding a ding...Nashville calling. Do you hear it? Yes, it's a super duper uber producer and he's gonna make Phil a big star. I'm happy for him. Josh Gracin from Season 3 or 4...he has some awesome songs. "I Want To Live" is a great song. Love it. Play it constantly.

So, tell me who you think is going to win???


Chad Oneil Myers said...

I think Melinda has a great chance at winning first place because she is the best voice in the competition and somewhat of an "Underdog" at the same time (Idol voters love "underdogs" as you all know). I think Jordin could and should take at least the second spot. I wouldn't mind her winning first, but she has to go through Melinda to get there. It's all up to us voters.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Blake did "When the Stars Go Blue" last week.

Here's how it should be done.

Christina said...

Top 3 is totally Melinda/Blake/Jordin -- and I see it as a toss-up between a Melinda/Blake, Jordin/Blake finale. Phil creeps me out, and he might have been OK this week (did nothing for me), but he still sucks. Kiki is just playing Idol Roulette right now -- but I think even she knows her time is pretty limited. I think someone IS being voted off - cos isn't that the whole point of them trying to get as many people to call in as possible - so that Ford and whoever will have to pay x amount per phone call to aid in Africa? I just don't think they are having a traditional "mentor" - because it's all about celebrating the performers who are way more famous and in almost all cases, more talented than any of the Idols (and Kelly Motherfucking Clarkson is coming back to the stage for the first time since they fucked her over by making her star in that monstrosity - From Justin to Kelly - which I saw in a $1 theater, with a six pack of Mike's Hard Lemonade on a date - and we still had a hard time not leaving. We went to make fun of it, WITH BEER, and we still had a hard time not walking out...that's what you call craptacular (tm. Bart Simpson)) and watching lots of people kiss each other's ass. It's going to be like those old "Circus of the Stars" things I think - which is awesome, because it's Idol. I hope Mary J. comes back so she can molest Blake or Chris -- you know, someone who doesn't look like a serial killer (sorry Elliott -- your new grill is great, but last year you looked straight-up Zodiac -- much as Phil does). Actually, scratch that - I want to see Chris hit on Keira Knightly and then get totally rebuffed -- cos you know she'll be all, "rednecks are gross and I'm British." Too bad the show that exists in my head can't exist on the screen.

windycitynut said...

Well , I got stuck working today on the nicest day of the year so far. I'm sitting here in my work "uniform" which is black slacks and a long sleeved oxford shirt. I'm sweating like a fat hooker on Friday night. Since I am locked up here, thought I might as well do something productive and blog on your site. Screw corporate America. I need a cool job. Wal-mart is hiring. Enough of my personal hell. Top three will be Melinda-Blake-Jordin. With Melinda-Blake final. Sorry Cole. I'm gunning for Blake because he is unique and seems real easy going. By the way, whoever told Phil that bald was a good look for him should be bitched slapped and turned over to Jack Bauer for "questioning". Jeff out.

cinderylla said...

Coley....hey girl!
I absolutely agree with your line-up. Who knows what may happen tho.
Jordin is our pick for sure. But Melinda seems to bring it up a notch each week.
As for hunky Alec, it is inappropriate to speak to a child that way. But as the ultimate Grandma, Mom and hopefully sane and caring human, I have "gone Baldwin" on my kids. I shiver at the thought of having to hear myself over and over on a recording. I think many parents would agree. This could be a strong reminder to choose our words carefully when speaking to our children, no matter their age.

Cole Bronn said...

Chad, good thoughts. I don't agree. She has never been the underdog. You know I call Melinda's fans the Troll Patrol...and there is a reason for that.

Christina - crazy, insane and dead-on as usual. I couldn't tell if your "Kelly Mfing Clarkson" meant you love her or hate her. You know i love her so don't be hatin'. Anyway, it's going to be an ego-festival of monumental proportions for sure and no doubt some awkward moments when Pauler realizes she is the least talented celeb in the house. I hope she stocks up on "coke" and "tic-tacs".

WCN - HEY, I think your anonymity has been breached...is your name Jeff? It is to me now. I'm tired of talking about you to my friends as WindyCity Nut. I love reading all of your comments to my friends who can't seem to log onto the blog because they are lame as hell. Hang in there buddy. A good day pay on the Geek Squad patrol is what built America to what it is today. (even I got sick on that comment.) Go home, laugh with your wife and check out the Will Ferrell video on YOU TUBE called The Landlord. Fucking hysterical.

Welcome Cindrylla to the blog. I think this is your first posting! Isn't it fun! Come early, come often.

Christina said...

Cole - I love her -- I was ambivalent until Breakaway, and then I heard
"Since U Been Gone" and jumped on the bandwagon like the rest of the hipsters. To be fair, I DID hear her first album in its entirety the day it came out (my gay husband's bought it and made me listen to it over dinner) and it just did nothing for me. And then there was that awful movie. My dad was under the impression that KC gave Idol the finger, because of how she switched management and didn't want the contestants singing her songs that were still on the charts - and I was like, Dad, NO...they fucked her over, they all but killed her career, then tried to take credit for her success that they had no part in (the second album) -- that's the only reason they left Carrie alone...KC has a legitimate reason to never go on Idol again. I love that she is.

Cole Bronn said...

Yes, Christina, as usual, you are correct. The only thing I find weird about Kelly is the cover artwork of her second album. hello? Looks nothing like her. Looks more like Kate Moss than Kelly. Always thought it was weird. Can't wait until "My December". And btw I snuck a peek at Perez H last week (EVEN THOUGH I declared him dead to me, I just had to see what he said about Alex Baldwin) and that fat smurf (his name, not mine) totally dissed Kelly's single. As if he is a music critic because he went to South by Southwest and Amy Winehouse gives him bjobs. THERE I SAID IT

Christina said...

Cole - LOL! Perez is pretty much dead to me too (he's such a famewhore...I want to like tell every famous person he rags on -- just say something nice about him at an event he's at and then he'll start kissing your ass forever...Liz Smith's nose isn't as brown as his, and that says something), but then, if you look at the music he actually likes -- getting his "approval" isn't necessarily a good thing.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

The fact that Melinda's fans can be called the "Troll Patrol" suport my thought that she is an "underdog" in some people's minds ;)

I think she seems like a great person and wouldn't mind if she wins.

Lu said...

Cole--Phil needs to go, and soon. Behind him will be Kiki...America just won't embrace her. The "big girl" always gets the boot early on. So you pretty much have summed it up the way i would have...except in the office pool i mistakenly picked Melinda Mom to win it all. Damn. But really, none of us can catch Chris at this point anyway right??

Cole Bronn said...

OH, Lu, you are so wrong. If Jordin rightfully claims her crown, Chris is cratering in the office pool. I picked Jordin and He picked Troll Patrol.

(Chad, I made up Troll Patrol...not someone else, so unless 1,000s read this, which they don't, I don't think I am influencing any voting)

ANYWAY back to the office pool. Yes, Chris has us beat, pretty much. Melinda needs to go this week to crater him. I have Jordin and Blake in the finals.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I didn't realize you came up with that.

..still though ;)