Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Paula Abdul: Southwest Airlines Incident

Seems Paula visited Northern California this weekend. She wisely chose the economic fares of Southwest Airlines, but mistakenly did not realize there is no first class. When this occurred to her, as she saw the A, B, and C cattle stalls, she proceeded to the flight attendants and asked where to go for first class. I'm sure the attendant's heart was about to leap through her trendy Southwest Uniform, as she realized she was talking to THE Paula Abdul from American Idol. OR, she just looked the nutcase in the face and said, sorry, no first class, now join the rest of the human race and wait in line. And then, Paula said, "No, you don't understand, I need to get on first...I'm famous"...

And here's where it gets good...some goomba in the crowd yelled out "Hey, you're no Sanjaya, sit down!!!" Hilarious. Nice flight attendant (no doubt busting a gut from holding back laughter) replied, "You are not a child or elderly, so you will have to wait until your boarding pass section is called." So, Pauler boarded with the rest of the cattle, er, passengers, and then tried to save the seat next to her. No can-doo-ski. Full cattlecar. And they safely delivered her to Burbank so she could drool through the show last night successfully. Don't you love celebrities???


Caiazzo said...

Paula is done. She can't even articulate a sentence on the show. And she has lost her edge this season. (if she really ever had one). Amount of cleavage shots of gone down dramatically this year.

Why haven't they come out with a Book of Paulisms like the Book of Bushisms?

Celebrities are terrible. I would have loved to have talked shit to her on that plane. Oh to have had a video of that and placed it on You Tube.

Christina said...

OK, I only lived in Cali for a year -- but as I recall, Southwest doesn't even depart from SFO, so she had to leave from Oakland (I'm assuming that would be the airport she would use)...Paula Abdul at the Oakland Airport. Let's take a moment to laugh at that image.

OK - so then she's leaving Oakland and she's not even arriving at LAX, she's arriving at Burbank? I mean, yeah, that would be way closer to the CBS studio, so that makes sense if she was going straight from the flight...but still. Burbank Airport...err Bob Hope Airport. That's funny. I wonder if Southwest was the only airline that would give her direct to Burbank, rather than LAX, and that's why she chose to fly them? I seriously can't for the life of me figure out why anyone with her type of money would go fucking Southwest. I mean, I've been on bad airlines before (remember ValuJet - AirTran's predacessor that was like the worst airline ever...flew on it, TWICE), but my one Southwest experience was bad enough to make me refuse to ever board their jets again. If I had her money, I'd just have chartered a private plane to Burbank (it's what, a 1 hour flight - that would be easy to do - plus she could smuggle drugs without recourse)...weird.

It is great that not even being Paula Abdul was enough to get her priority seating. God, she must have died -- sitting in the fucking Oakland airport, on an airplane that has cattlecall seating - and she doesn't even get peanuts. That's awesome.

Caiazzo said...

Sports Radio said she departed on from San Jose. Yes she did make it to Sporting News Radio. Not very happy about that

windycitynut said...

I thought following Paula was a sport. No different than following a crack head like Mike Tyson. I'm wondering why Fox didn't fly her over. I'm sure she was going to meet an ex-Idol so it could have been considered company business. Maybe she was upset because security confiscated her "water" bottle. Listen, Paula is just misunderstood, not crazy. Us coach class peeps just need to be educated on the insanely rich. We need to feel their pain.

Cole Bronn said...

Anthony, yes, I heard it on KNBR this morning on my drive across the Bay Bridge. It was the #1 weird story of the day. hee hee

Caiazzo said...

Tony Bruno Baby!!!

Good to hear you are on board Cole

Cole Bronn said...

Christina, it was out of San Jose airport...but still, pauler on cattle car is awesome imagery!!!