Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Jump The Shark - A Tutorial in Pop Culture

As I wrote last night, American Idol was cruising the shark infested waters with some of their shenanigans, and then out walked Celine and Elvis...officially jumping the shark. Then, this morning, I couldn't believe it. I was driving to work and the talk show I listen to opened up with "Idol Officially Jumped the Shark" last night. It's one of my favorite sayings. Except the dummy guy got it wrong and said Fonzie was riding a shark. Lame. I'm going to email him!!! Ron Owens KGO...you'll be hearing from me!

I quote "jump the shark" website below:
Jumping the shark is a metaphor that was originally used to denote the tipping point at which a TV series is deemed by a viewer to have passed its peak, or has introduced plot twists that are illogical in terms of everything that has preceded them. Once a show has "jumped the shark," the viewer senses a noticeable decline in quality or feels the show has undergone too many changes to retain its original charm. The term has also evolved to describe other areas of pop culture, including movie series, music, acting celebrities, or authors for whom a drastic change was seen as the beginning of the end. These changes are often attempts to attract their fans' waning attention with over-the-top statements or increasingly overt appeals to sex or violence. Some have broadened its use to simply describe any decline in appeal for the subject in question, without requiring a significant "jump the shark" moment[1]The term derives from an episode of Happy Days, where Fonzie jumped over a shark on water skis.

If you want to read more...www.jumptheshark.com can give you hours of laughter.

Happy Thursday.


Christina said...

I made the mistake of buying his book on Audible.com (I get two books a month - or I used to, now I only get one) - it was totally uninteresting AND he made a number of factual errors about some of the TV shows. Plus, he totally criticized the St. Elsewhere series finale - which was maybe the greatest thing ever (that the whole series was really a figment of the autistic kid's mind - that just ruled), well, that and Newhart. I used to love the whole Jump the Shark concept (I think I first visited the site in 1997 -- I know my account was set-up in early 1998), but now, I'm kind of over the phrase - just because so many people, in my mind, mis-use it. Instead of keeping it for truly series ending/changing moments - they apply it to anytime a show stops fulfilling their expectations. The site itself has polls set up for brand new shows -- like, a show in its first season shouldn't be able to jump the shark - that should be reserved for shows that have longevity and sense of cultural relevance or significance. When applied to its original meaning, I still think its pretty awesome, just hate that the term gets bandied around so much without proper context or use.

I won't argue that last night very well could have been Idol's Shark moment -- but the interesting thing about reality TV - is that it doesn't follow the same rules and paradigms that sitcoms and dramas follow, because a new cast can change the whole thing. I think they reached a pinnacle for schlock last night for sure -- but then, we can't forget the fact that From Justin to Kelly was pimped all over season 2 (I wasn't watching then, but I've since downloaded all those episodes and been exposed to their attempts to cross-promote...the Idol movie would have been more than enough to make Idol jump had it been a regular TV show) - so who really knows.

windycitynut said...

I agree with Christina, the phrase is overused, misused, confused, whatever. I agree that Idol can have a jump the shark moment every season because of the new talent. I do think that Ryan, Simon, Paula and Randy can have a moment any season since the are the only constants..What the hell am I talking about, the show is starting suck...period. With any product, the longer it's around, the higher the expectations become. Idol peaked and now it doesn't know how to rise above the expectations. I think the Idol Gives Back would have been better off to run between seasons or during the summer, make it seperate from the regular performance and voting shows.

Cole Bronn said...

Well, 2 of my favorite people weigh in...I swear I have had 100 conversations today about last night's show. Some people with tears in their eyes they were so moved (I quickly faked that I was needed on a conference call and escaped these freaks). One person loved Elvis. She's dead to me. Couple of people did not know "jump the shark" (????) And finally, most agreed with everything I said. Good people I work with, the smart ones.

Anyway, I agree with you both, EXCEPT...imagine a Season...and it WILL come, when you have a cast made up of Daughtry, Clarkson, Underwood, Hudson, Glocksen, LaToya, Bice, Kimberly Locke, Mandisa, etc. The best of the best could magically get assembled. It COULD happen. Then you wouldn't care what kind of crap they drag out of the closet as filler. (except UK week and Peter Noone better never be repeated).

As for Idol Gives Back...I swear it was a wonderful idea, delivered in a flaming bag of poo. Once you realized what it was, it stunk.
Remember the 9/11 or Katrina fundraiser show, where all these celebrities came on, did testimonials and you could phone it and talk to a real celebrity while making your pledge? AI should have done that, mixed with some musical guests.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Yeah, the Elvis and Celine thing was weird. That was the amazing "duet" that they kept on talking about. I will say though, they did a great job on the special effects. It really did look like Elvis was up there...kind of creepy though ;)

I was disapointed that there were only about five minutes of Bono (at the end even). I guess that's all that that "World Idol" was willing to spend on "American Idol". I like how he was just standing in the dark opening to the room at first, almost as if he was trying to decide if he really wanted to be a part of "idol" ;)

The show was done for a good cause, but I was disapointed with most of it from an "entertainment" stand point. I guess we've all seen so much, we're jaded a little. The sad stories were truly moving though.

I did like Jack Black's performance, he was great.

I did not like the fact that they made us all think, including Jordin herself, that she was going home. I had a sinking feeling during those few moments after Ryan told Chris he was safe. That wasn't cool.

Christina said...

So you might find this amusing: laugh at me.

Unknown said...

I just say Gd bless Google for delivering you that gorgeous image of Fonzie in the leather jacket and on water skis. The internet is a gem. What if Al Gore hadn't been born? Whew.
I love your blog.