Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Paris Hilton Update

Now, this one has me intrigued simply from a law point of view. It's like Hollyhood has lost all perspective on who has authority to do what. It seems the Sheriff overruled the Judge when he allowed the ankle jewelry and Estate Arrest. So, new hearing scheduled by JUDGE this am. When he gets in, adjusts his robe, finds out she isn't coming, he flips his powdered wig. Immediately sends a court sheriff to fetch her ass for an in-court appearance later this afternoon.

And I hear cotton candy is selling well at this circus.

More later.


Christina said...

You know, a lot of people retire to Florida, God only knows why, but me - I'm going to go to LA (if I'm not already there) and then spend all my days as a court-watcher...because seriously, wow. I love this sort of shit. There should be a TV network where they do nothing but play trials and sentencing hearings all day ling...you know, like Court TV used to be - before they started becoming A&E 2: Less Class, but we have DNA shows and psychic morons. Now that Court TV is changing their name, we could even call it Court TV.

Lu said...

I am eating this shit up with a spoon. I LOVE IT. I love the drama, the intrigue, the pure idiocy of the whole situation. Talk about a great way to spend my friday...it was on Mornings on 2 and the guy in LA said "well i guess if you are rich, white and pretty you live by different rules" ouch! way harsh!!

I'm with Christina, I'd retire in LA--i love the media circus.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

As me and my coworkers sat and ate lunch at a mexican place called "Moe's" today, footage of the cops outside of Paris' place was on a tv. We wondered why anyone would cover this story with live footage?

windycitynut said...

Did Paris get a life sentence?? You would think so. It's forty days!! All the woman does is shop, party and drink Starbucks and sometimes not in that order. Why do we watch? Excuse me while I go slam my head in the car door.

Christina said...

Chad - because deep down, every person in the universe is secretly hoping for another O.J. slow-speed chase. That was truly, truly one of the most awesome spectacles of my entire life - and I mean that without hyperbole. I mean, I was in the Fulton County Courthouse when the psycho shot-up the place, killed the judge and two guards (what a day to have jury duty -- I heard the shots and went, "perfect - I missed going to Cancun for Spring Break so I could die while filling out a jury duty questionnaire) - but I won't lie - the very first thing I did after I was finally able to get home was watch that shit 24/7 on TV. Everyone loves live-TV drama, and if any possibility of Paris going crazy existed - the news crews would HAVE to be there. Plus, Friday - lunch hour -- what else are they going to do - report on Phil Spector's ongoing circus, talk about stuff that doesn't concern rich people, pssh!

Lu - we're on the same wavelength!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

It's funny you'd mention the Juice. One of my friends brought that up too while we were talking about Paris' TV coverage. He said that he saw OJ driving down the road in the Bronco after turning off the VCR because he just finished watching "the Fugitive". No Joke.

Lu said...

Everyone loves some good court drama. Ok let me rephrase that, I love good court drama. I was hoping and praying to get on the Scott Peterson case when I found out he was going to be tried in my county...Needless to say I didn't get chosen. Damn. But this Paris thing is hilarious. It's just too great for words.