Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Gossip of the Royalty Kind

No, that isn't Lindsay Lohan escaped from Rehab. That's Prince William and his "former" girlfriend that has magically made it back on Will's dating roster this week. So, follow along here. When it seems back in April that the gossip mongers were bugging Will's for a 'royal engagement' it all went capute. Rumors were that Poppa Prince of Ears told his son, either marry her or cut her loose, but don't drag it out. They've been dating for 5 years. Anyway, it was over, and no real explanation.
Now, Will's has turned 25 and gotten inheritance from Diana's estate. And what else happened on the Big 2-5....well, it seems he no longer needs the blessing of the Queen or his Dad to get married. And if he were to marry, then the chances of him becoming King before his Dad are HUGE. So, there is speculation that C&C (Camilla and Charles) were putting the royal brakes on Will's marrying, so that his chances of King were better. This may sound harsh, but it's a real horse race for which event will happen first...Will's Marrying or the Queen Expiring. If I was British, I'd move to the South Pole before I watched that Camilla Horse Face become QUEEN.

I love the Royal Family. You know when you are asked that question on who the 6 people in history are that you'd invite to dinner? Diana would always be my first choice. I would not have Jesus, like everyone always says, because then I would be trying to be all nice and stuff. And we know I have a sailor mouth. Plus, I can't remember scriptures and stuff, and what if it turned into the Bible Version of Trivial Pursuit. I would be so embarrassed in front of Jesus if he asked me...what is Psalms 3:16 and I totally forgot the whole Lord is my Shepard speech. So, picture my dinner party...Princess Diana, Elton John ('cuz they would be in a total pissy snit with each other and I'd love to watch it...and Annie Liebovitz, of course, so that all the pictures would be stellar and I would look great next to Diana, Bill Clinton, 'cuz I know he would flirt with Diana and he would be interesting. And I could ask him about Monica Lewinsky, because did I forget to mention, it's my party and everyone drinks truth serum with the appetizers. And then Jack Nicholson would be the ring leader. He gets to ask all questions. You know, I hate Elton John sort of, so he is out. I need a better musician. Or maybe Tom Cruise, before he got weird. I don't know. I'll take suggestions. I know I am forgetting alot of cool people. It's sad, but I can't think of anyone hot or cool right now. Oh, shit, of course...Will Fucking FERRELL...he absolutely must sit next to me. on my right and Diana on my left...and she can bring anyone from Heaven as her date. Wonder who she will pick. I wish it would be Chris Farley.

Ok, that's it for me fantasy dinner. Don't you love that game. What does it say about me that me and Diana are the only woman at the table (annie doesn't count...she's working)

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