Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

one trash novel down...1 to go

I picked some real winner books on this vacation. Real boitches and stupid men. Very witty and fiunny.
So...chad and jeffro have become seemingly bored with my topics and have turned my blog into an espn zone chatline about LeBronn and MJordan.fascinating chatter..gripping dialogue
Anyway, here's what's on my mind. Isaiah w is off greys anatomy. Good riddance. But I did think he was a good actor
Ellen degeneres has a loine of greeting cards now. Cute.
Who watched top chef??? I will when I get home. Hope you watched it.
How bad is On The Lot? Haven't watched in a while. I hate the hostess.
Saw 2 bald eagles yesterday. Suki and anthony went to see The Police last night. Can't wait to hear how that went. Bon jovi rocks a country album next Tues called Lost Hwy. Look forwards to that hitting I tunes
Well I need a nap. Woke up at 5 am and I am zapped.


Lu said...

Cole! I went to the Police too...it was awesome (I also saw Jen G there which was super random since theres like 40K people around). They played for 2 hours straight and it was fantastic. Unfortunately I am short and couldnt see all that well...mental note, I need to get seats that are elevated next time. But what i did see? Sting is DAMN HOT. Smoking Hot. It must be the yoga...and the accent.

WTH are you doing waking up at 5AM on your vacation? It's hot as all hell get out here today and i think my face is melting off.

When do you return home?

Daryn DeZengotita said...

Watched Top Chef. Loved it. They cooked Surf & Turf using exotic ingredients (kangaroo, alligator, ostrich, eel, rattlesnake,etc). The chef from Dallas won! WooHoo. The guest judge, Anthony Bordain was entertaining in a crankypants kinda way. Hope you are having fun! We are taking the boyz to TC to go crabbing next week. I can taste those Gulf Blues now! Mmm mmm.


Chad Oneil Myers said...

Hey Cole, glad you're having a good time.

Yeah, I like Bon Jovi's "Make a Memory" song when they played it on idol. I know some people out there thought it was stupid, but I enjoyed it ;)

Keep on enjoying your time off.

Daryn DeZengotita said...

Cole: just read that Kelly has canceled her summer tour! Here's a link to the story:



windycitynut said...

You mean this wasn't a sports blog from the beginning?? I thought the AI chatter was something to do till baseball kicked in. My bad. With that, what's up with Kelly canceling her tour?? I guess it's not cool to cross Clive Davis. Can you spell sabotage?? He's like the Godfather putting a musical hit on the Texas tornado. 5 to 1 she comes out with a new albumn by Christmas.

Unknown said...

We can talk about the NBA all you want boys. I love the Spurs and am THRILLED with the outcome last night. As if we already didn't know that Robert Horry was a great guy, here is a fact that will make you like him even more. When I lost my hair from the big fat C, Robert also shaved his hair down. He couldn't make my head shaving party here in San Francisco so he did it on his own. He also donated a signed #5 Horry jersey to my silent auction. We love the kid!
I was a bit annoyed with Eva Longoria running up to Tony Parker at the end of the game and wrapping her legs around him. Clean it up a little bit, Eva. Geeeeeezzzzz. Maybe I am just jealous? :)
Hope you had fun Coley. I am off to Sacramento for the weekend. Big bull sale at the ranch. Want me to get you one for your backyard?
And oh yeah, my $.02 on Kelly Clarkson's tour being cancelled. Cole, you're not gonna like what I have to say. I think that Kelly C needs to get over herself just a little bit. She is awesome and I sing like a rockstar in the car when Since U Been Gone comes on, but Kelly is still learning the biz. She's spouting off like she is an expert at everything. Her label and management are there to help her - they have been in the biz a lot longer than she has. And Clive has probably been in the biz before Kelly was even born. Kelly won AI a few years ago and until that time she was singing in her car on her way to wait tables. Hopefully she is humbled by this a bit and listens to those that know. Stop behavingn like a spoiled brat Kelly C!

OK peace out homeys. Have a great weekend. Let's direct our sports attention to the US OPEN and send our bet good vibes to our boy T.Woods!


Christina said...

I stopped watching On the Lot. I have two TiVo's - and I just couldn't make myself record it anymore. Not that it matters, they are getting less viewrs than Veronica Mars with each passing episode -- it won't last the summer (which I think I said back in May...holla!). Like I said before, sadly, regular people just don't give a shit about how films are made and now that they've revamped it into "short film screening room/voting competition" - it might as well just be on atomfilm or iFilm because that's what it is. Even IFC knows better than to schedule their short film showcases for prime time. Oh well.

Top Chef is awesome - Bourdain is back, and Bourdain is the man. If you have time to read another book after you get back from vacay, read Kitchen Confidential if you haven't already. It's awesome. Even better - get the audio book or audible download and listen to it while working out/in the car or BART/while doing other stuff on a computer, he narrates it and it's awesome. My cooking skills consist of pasta, Kraft Mac & Cheese, eggs (I'm actually really good with eggs) and a dialing finger to order for delivery, but I loved KC.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

The right team won.

I believe LeBron will be back in the Finals again sometime.

It's nice for Tony Parker, he wins another Championship, then goes on to get married this summer.