Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Former Inmates with Paris on video


Look at this


windycitynut said...

Hilarious. Double boloney!!!! Look, here's my wristband! Sign me up!!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I may be watching the "Age of Love" show on NBC. Any interest in watching it too? That may be one we could talk about.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

...Actually, "Chemistry" looks even more interesting. It comes on next Monday on NBC at 10:00pm.

Not sure if you like shows like this or not. I haven't watched these dating shows much for a while, but they seem to be making a comeback all of a sudden. Sometimes they're fun to watch, but usually very predictable. Plus, rarely do the final "couple" really stay together anyway.

The most successful reality show couple wasn't even brought together on a "Dating" show. It was Rob and Amber from Survivor All-Stars. Maybe it says something about the dynamics of meeting someone? Rob and Amber weren't thrown at each other, they met on their own in the midst of an adventure that they were living.

People meet in all sorts of ways, I'm just rambling a little. But, the "Rob and Amber" story really is an interesting one in "reality TV land".

I think I would love the experience of being on a “dating show”, especially if I was the one picking from lots of ladies. Just a fantasy, I’m sure it’s not as glamorous as it looks.

…or maybe it is? ;)

Daryn DeZengotita said...

I have eczema!!



Christina said...

Chad - just get a Match or eHarmony profile. The ratio of psychos/decent people would probably be even higher than reality TV, and you wouldn't have to worry about looking like an ass if it turned out the chick was totally playing you, or you know, you made the mistake and cried on TV.

For more couples in the Rob & Amber vein, we can look to the mother of all reality TV shows, the Real World. Judd and Pam met during season 3 (San Francisco, the one with the asshole Puck, Pedro, who died of AIDS the day after the finale aired -- the breakthrough season, as it was), she was dating someone else, but they got together after the show and have been together for like 13 years. Rachel, also from Real World San Francisco met Sean from Real World Boston during the very first Real World/Road Rules type of thing (it was actually pre-challenge, they just took 5 RWers and had them do a Road Rules type of thing...God, it is so sick that I know all of this stuff) and they are married and have babies now too. The very first "in-house hook-up/relationship" (that was more than just a make-out session or two) was Amaya and Colin from Hawaii (the best Real World, IMHO), and almost every subsequent season has had at least one couple or potential couple. I think Austin ended up producing two couples, whatever), so your theory about being around someone naturally (well, as natural as you can be considering you are on a reality show) sounds right.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Yeah, I'm sure reality tv isn't all it's "cracked up" to be.

Don't worry, if I'm ever on TV, I'll try not to cry ;)

Lu said...

alright...what the hell. Cole where are you? I need blog posts stat! I know you cant expect me to entertain myself!