Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I am such a dummy

Ok, so get this. This is one of the top dumb things I've done in a while. I guess I was just so upset at the cancellation of the Kelly Clarkson tour, that I assumed it meant the record was cancelled as well. And as all of you brilliant people know, IT WASN"T. OMG. I'm so excited I can't stand it. I will be at the store as soon as Target is open on Tuesday. I would buy the download but I like the liner notes and the pretty pictures.

So, that's good news. Guess what I did today? Spent 6 hours reorganizing the food in my pantry. I couldn't find a flippin' cracker without causing an avalanche of brown rice and barbeque sauce. It was so nuts I just got pissed off and pulled every item off the shelves. I swear to God I am such a horder. I have like 17 boxes of jello. Nuts. So, I am playing a game with myself. I am not going to the grocery store again until all the food is atleast 50% gone. I have to eat atleast 4 cans of peas, beans, corn and a ton of other crap. I bet I have enough brown rice, wild rice, basmati rice where I could eat rice at every dinner for the next month. Why do I do it? Only my therapist knows. I don't really have a therapist, but I did. I miss him sometimes. I am one of those patients that mostly likes to say stuff to see what they say. And I never cry. I feel like they don't think they are doing a good job if you don't cry. I'm kidding. I love therapy, and I think it should be required just like going to the dentist is socially expected. There would be alot less angry people, etc, if they just went and vented on a professional. This concludes my promotion for Mental Health Week.

Today was Gay Pride Parade Day in SF. I love living out here where you are free to be and fly it in pink. It really is so nice to live amongst such tolerance for all things. I do take it for granted some times. I work with alot of gay professionals and really, there is so much good humor in making fun of "their team" as they like to call it. It's funny when they make fun of me and "my team" as well.

Well, Entourage is back on and I loves that show. Adrian Grenier is the hottest man on the booby tubey, in my humble opinion. And Paula Abdul premieres this week. Oh, Oh Oh...I almost forgot...I took a break from the pantry today and got sucked into Sunset Tan...on E! Channel. The Olly Girls are f-ing hysterical. I think I might have to watch that show this summer. Molly and Holly...and they got noticed by E! execs at a holiday party and they put them on the show. So funny. They really are better than Paris and Nicole for sure.

The Soup was making fun of how small Ryan Seacrest is. They said they saw him holding up Paris Hilton's letter to the fan from jail...and they said..." My God, it looked like Ryan was holding up a poster in his tiny little hands". Heh Eh. Funny stuff.

Bye now.


Christina said...

Alright, I'm going to bug you again -- pre-order Kelly's album on iTunes - the Deluxe version has 3 extra tracks and a 4th if you pre-order it from them...so do that. I mean, being a Kelly fanatic, you'll probably buy the CD in the store too - but just giving you the heads up. If you pre-order the new Pumpkins CD on iTunes you get a whole EP of current bands covering their past songs, so there's that too. I swear, I've given Apple so much fucking money this month. I'm so not feeling bad about ganking Destiny's Child's Greatest Hits off of BitTorrent this morning so that I could hear Bills and Survivor this morning before my run.

Lu said...

Cole-Sunset tan sucks me in too. The olly girls slay me. it's so bad.

SO BAD. did you see the one with chris kattan? You should tan ka-tan, you can tan, chris ka-tan?

Oh man so hilariously awful.