Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Paris Interview with the King...

If you had your choice of being interviewed, who would you pick after you got sprung from the pokey? It wouldn't be that leerying old man, Larry King. I surely would not let Matt Lauer or Katie interview me. I think I would most like to be interviewed by Patrick Dempsey. I love his voice and his eyes. No seriously, I think I'd most like to confess to David Letterman. I feel he is the intelligent comedian.

Now it's time for Paris!!!

I'll say one thing...it's undeniable, she is a beautiful girl. She is just blessed with beautiful skin. I don't care if she has only 4 brain cells underneath that perfect bone structure. Anyway, so far, she ain't saying much that surprises me. I do like how her "accent" changes when she starts talking fast and says "bahloney sanwich". "They" call it jail slop. It's like the ancestors of jailed convicts past gave her a bible to learn of the place she was.

Why is Larry so perplexed with the concept of ADD...which he keeps saying ADT. I think he might have it. He can't grasp the concept. And he pulls no punches...mentioning Nicole Ritchie is going to jail. She drove backwards on a highway offramp. She should go just for being stupid.

Well, the interview was pretty good. Whut-ever.

Ok, Paris should have looked up Psalms or John 3:16. ok, for those of you who did not watch Anderson Cooper afterward...please google Ken Sunshine Public Relations Consultant. OMG. The wig he had on, and his grill. OMG. This is the best PR consultant Anderson F-ing Cooper and CNN could dig up to talk about Paris Hilton? It's amazing.

And the way they are analyzing her. It's insane. Did she ever claim to be a Rhodes Scholar? She is not Toni Morrison or Mya Anjelou. WTF.

I did like it overall because I have never seen her speak. And she was nice about not skewering LindLow and BritBrit. It was nice.


Anonymous said...

And the way they are analyzing her. It's insane. Did she ever claim to be a Rhodes Scholar? She is not Toni Morrison or Mya Anjelou. WTF.

Paris Hilton is famous for NOTHING and that's what's so perplexing. Everyone knows she's stupid, what AC wants to know is WHY the fuck is anyone even interested in her in the first place. I don't find her attractive or intriguing.

Unknown said...

Can we all please take a page out of the US Weekly playbook and NOT talk about Paris anymore? It's the only way she will go away! Props to the EIC over there - she sanitized this week's issue of anything Paris related. YAY!
That being said, I did watch the interview on LKL. I am dumber for it.

Christina said...

I watched it - sadly, it was not even close to the trainwreck of Britney's Matt Lauer interview (see, that's one notch in the "reasons not to let a Today show interview you" column - I mean, I still have the flash video files from that thing saved...it was one of the greatest things in the history of celebrity interviews...truly remarkable. The hair, the make-up, the bra-strap, the gum...I get giddy just thinking about it) - her mom and dad must have just taken charge and decided - yup, we're going to make sure she comes of sort of sympathetic, sort of likable, and you know, not the anti-Christ.

She's a pretty girl - NOW - she and Nikki both had nose jobs, though Nikki has always been way prettier anyway (while my love affair with Paris ended sometime in late 2003, my love affair with Nikki continues...I so don't even care, I love Nikki Hilton) - but pre-surgery Paris wasn't the dish she is now. Not that I hate on people who actually get GOOD plastic surgery.

I think people choose Larry King because even though he's had like 3 hearts, 8 wives and never knows anyone's name - he's still kind of a cool dude. Plus you just know Katie Couric would be a totally patronizing bitch (I've always hated Katie Couric - I still don't understand why Deborah Norville was TRASHED by the media/public at large, and Katie was adored -- they were the same, except Deborah Norville is pretty. But I was like 6 when she was replaced, so I don't understand the dynamics - do you remember the Norville hubub? Care to shed light on why America hated a blonde former cheerleader but loved a mousy bitch that caused Bryant Gumble to leave network TV?). Diane Sawyer would be my choice (screw Barbara Walters - she's not a real journalist, she got famous for not being able to pronounce her "rs" and asking "if you could be any tree..." - she's not one of the icons of feminist journalism - she's not Jane Pauly, Christiane Anamapeour, or Diane Sawyer) - but she actually IS too good to do something like that (Barbara works with Elisabeth Hasselbeck, how is she above Paris Hilton?).

We analyze her, I think because like anon said, we are all obsessed with her for like NO REASON. That in and of itself is interesting. However, the place for that analysis is in op-eds, sociology studies and cocktail parties, not necessarily Anderson Cooper -- because much as I love him (so cute -- and I actually understand why he stays in the closet - he's a fucking Vanderbilt, you don't want to start causing problems when you are part of a multi-billion dollar family). I think the media itself is in the process of examining why so many outlets that should have known better, that shouldn't have dedicated any coverage to this girl, have been baited in for the last four years - and they are trying to make sense of it all. I think it's absolutely a joke though when shitty publications like Us Weekly (remember when it used to not totally suck -- remember when it was just a bad EW clone instead of a tabloid wrapped in magazine binding? Sad...I wasn't a fan when it was an EW clone either - but at least then it wasn't a waste of paper.) decide to not publish anything about her - because it's so hypocritical. They have made millions and millions of dollars off of her name, image, stories about her (many false - and hey, Paris is no victim, she asked for it -- but I'm just saying, she has probably profited least from being Paris, you know, in financial terms), but now they have decided that enough is enough and they won't report on her anymore. Like, get over it. You were a major part of creating the problem, own it - and if you stop doing stories on Paris, then stop doing shit on Lindsey, or Nicole, or Britney or any of the other no-talents that juts party all the time.