Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Happy Friday from Jordan and Blake

Looks like Jordan and Blake are making some time for each other these days. This snap was taken at a Fry's Electronics store (no doubt the the MOD ((mgr on duty)) with a digi cam he ripped off the shelf) where they were shopping "unmolested", it was reported. I guess Idol fans don't hang at Fry's, except for the MOD.

Anyhoo...the report says rumors are flying that they are swappin' spit. Isn't that cute. We haven't had a 1:2 idol romance yet? I like it. I hope they date and then he dumps her for Paula Abdul. I mean I want some SUMMERTIME scandal. Anyway, they won't be able to hide this for long, as the summer 10 city tour is getting underway and there will be no hotel room swapping without Idol noticing, I'm sure.

More later.


Lu said...

alright i gotta admit that's pretty flippin adorable. Love that they were shopping at Fry's of all places, have you ever noticed that their stores have these really random motifs on the outside...like there's the Egyptian one? I know there are others but i cant think of them.

And as for Tivo vs Ipod...i am glad i dont have to choose...because somehow my tivo and ipod are running parallel lives...both of them have an extraordinary amount of trash! and i LOVE it.

And can I also get a Hell Yeah! that it's Friday? this week has been killin me...

Cole, I will be MIA next week...sales peeps are coming out for our extra long meeting. Good Times. GOOD TIMES!

Christina said...

I used to love Fry's - I even considered working there, you know, cos I could fucking clean-up on commission (I worked at Best Buy for 4 years and wasn't on commission, which was really sad on days that I sold $35,000 worth of computers to one customer or $25,000 to one guy for his home theater system) - unfortunately, one New Year's Eve, I managed to do horrible slutty things with one of the managers of the two Atlanta stores (and he lived in a house with guys who are dept. or store managers of both stores...like 5 Fry's guys in one house, whatever) and make a total ass of myself (I think his girlfriend was sleeping upstairs...ooops, not my problem, and I was BEYOND drunk), so like, I feel awkward even walking in them now. That and this guy who has been in love with me since 12th grade works there too (he was the guy who brought me to the party, presumably as his date - only to walk in on me, um, well you know - with one of his best friends...again, I didn't know I was either the date or the dude was his best friend..but that led to a drunken agreement from me on the way home to be his girlfriend...which seemed to make sense when I was drunkenly trying to get myself out of the shitstorm I was in, but ended up just being a disaster). You can laugh at me and my whorish-ness, it's OK - I do.

I don't know if they really ARE together - but they look cute.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Jordin and Blake?

Just a rumor, I'm sure.

Lu said...

Loving Christina's story of her whore-ish ways. Literally laughing out loud at my screen. So awesome!