Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Um Ryan? Gearing up for Hollyweird Week?

Hello Seacrest. (oh, first let me admit I went to that a-hole Perez Hilton's site, but only after reading 5 other sites, including CNN. I was desperate. I'm bored. No tv is killing me. Please end the writer's strike soon...PUH-leeeze.) I digress.

Ryan is getting his groove on...even though PHilton thinks he's trying to exorcize his inner gay demons. Whatevs. Sometimes, I just wish Ryan would get some color in his face. He seems a bit overworked and week. Anyway, it looks like he's about to get a working over from this chick, as she appears to be about 10 inches taller than him. Take that Simey.


Anonymous said...

Ryan looks like he lost a bet and has to let some clubbie grind him for two minutes. Can you look any more uncomfortable??

Cole Bronn said...

Yeah, she sort of looks like she is simultaneously phoning and shouting for back up help to get that awkward groping lech off of her.