Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oscar Sunday...do you really care?

Well, I don't.  It's just not a year of cool stuff this year.  I don't really find myself cheering for anyone except Ellen Page because I LOVE Juno, but I know those are some long shots.  Remember some of the great performances of really good movies in the past...like Tom Hanks for Forrest Gump...and Jack Nicholson...Dustin Hoffman...Robert DeNiro...really great actors and the glamourous woman...Glenn Close, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts...for some reason, I just don't get excited by Cate Blanchett or Helen Mirren.  Or remember the whacky years of Cher's black feather outfit...or JLo and her cut to there front?  Or the ridiculous...when Celine Dion came in a white tuxedo with the jacket on backwards?  And the white Fedora?  She jumped the shark in fashion on that one.  Whew.  

Fashion has it's own Oscars and it's called Bryant Park.  Let me tell you, there are MUCH cooler freaking stars and shit going down at Fashion Week.  Heidi Klum is by far the smartest supermodel evah.  That squeeky voiced bitch married a rock star and then executive produced a great tv show that allows her to walk the catwalk every week, and rock the clothes with attitude.  She's my new hero.  And push out 3 kids in the process.  I loves me some Heidi K. She's Fierce.  

FIVE weeks and counting and I am headed out to Texas!  Yes, my baby cousin is getting married, the last one of the 5 grandkids to walk the plank.  The wedding is at a ranch in West Texas, so it should be alot of fun.  I love destination weddings, where you are kind of on vacation, and then you stop by a wedding in the middle of your trip.  Ha.  My crazy ass mom will be there, and that will add to the mix.   Shit, I need to stop this blog and go find me a dress online.  I do not wear dresses, people.  I hate them.  It's not that I am not a girly girl...it's just that dresses are so fucking cheesy.  They don't express me.  I don't know.  Now I am depressed.  The attire is "cocktail"...which means my momma will kick my ass if I'm not wearing a dress.  And a dress = dress shoes, and that means paralyzed feet.  

OMG, where are my nerve pills?


1 comment:

tinkfromcalif said...

That sounds like a very cool vacation/wedding! Don't stress too much over the shoes....just remember alcohol at the reception then they come off!
About the oscars....all I know about them is that they took off my favorite sunday shows Extreme HomeMakeover and Brothers & Sisters but it let me catch up on Biggest Loser since Idol has started...is Tivo a blessing or a curse??? hahhah
Have a great week!