Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

More on last night's Idol...

Hey, Seester has sent me an email with a little recap from THE HUFFINGTON POST...and I see that Arianna saw the Ryan Rather journalist a little like I did...too serious for the love of pete.

Here's the Post...:

It's Hollywood Week on "American Idol" and things are getting strange With the show's non-stop death talk, Ryan Seacrest's contestant coverage, and the mysterious blue tongues, viewers had a lot to take in Tuesday night.

Tuesday night featured an excessive amount of war-related metaphors Everything was "do or die," contestants had to "sing for their life," and somehow a singing competition turned into a "bloodbath." I just hope the show has enough psychotherapists on hand to treat these brave warriors for possible PTSD We don't want them turning into killing machines when they get back from Hollywood.


Yes, the drama was an all-time high. If you read the comments, it looks like we have unanimous vibes on a few things:

- my post was well received, "nice recap" comments are appreciated..thank you very much. Believe it or not, I was worried it was a bit lengthy. But then you guys call me out on leaving stuff out as well, so...2 hours takes about 10 paragraphs.

- my faves are everyone's faves. I can't take credit for being wise here. They are obvious choices.

- my sister sez I am sounding creepy about like DayDee Dave. Ok, so I am a bit too old to be jonesing over a 15 year old. But people need to understand that I don't lust after the male species in real life. I never, and I mean NEVER find other men attractive. I just don't. I find them more fun as friends than woman. And the fact that I am married to the cutest man EVER helps as well. But people on TV are different. Movie stars are different. They aren't real, per se. So, with that said, when I say DayDee is dreamy, it just means I think he groovy in so many good ways to win the competition. I see Reese Witherspoon's daughter and Heather Locklear's daughter swooning over him...like he's a Jr. Zac Efron (who I do not like btw).

- this is going to be the MOST talented group of contestants EVER. I mean, just think about it. Me and Seester were reminiscing about Nikki McGibben and Ryan Star from Season 1. And John Paul Stevens and that red head Sinatra singer dude. And Jasmine Trias and Jessica Sierra. I could go on and on. The only person still standing that is awful is Presidential. (He sang Josh Groban and they put him in the room with 2 girls and he freaked out...that's who I call Presidential because he plans to run for President one day...and all tryouts were wearing a necktie.)

Ok, more later.

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