Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Let the Screeching and Insults Begin...

In the words of the great Ryan Seacrest in the opening of my favorite gabshow (E! Weekend Update)..."Here We Go!!!!!!"

Let's get this party started....

What am I most excited by? The people that get to play instruments in their auditions. I know the ukulele's are going to be plentiful. I'm just hoping for some jazz trumpet rapping...or atleast a little diddy from this dude....
I have it on good authority that this year's contestants get a bit "lippy" with the old Simon. Not taking his shit without firing back it seems. I hope Simon throws a hissy fit and storms out again...we haven't seen that in a while.

Well, I'm working hard today, so I can leave early and get home and get my groove on...hubby's getting drive thru for dinner because I need to focus on watching tv and my blog. It's MY freakin' SuperBowl tonite. Good news is he is just as excited. I almost bought an HDTV!!! Not really, I am always typing while I watch anyway. But I sometimes watch the episodes twice, no kidding...thank God and Tivo for tv sanity.

Ok, more later tonite. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS TONITE... I hope the old gang comes back...Jeffro, Christina, Chad...Lu is always with us...Chris...Tink...welcome back and let's have some fun!!!



Anonymous said...

Hey There,
Not sure if I am more excited about Idol starting or having your blog to read after each show... I will be in front of the TV watching and thinking bout ya tonight... Have fun with this season Ms. Cole


Anonymous said...

you need to get the HDTV. That's part of my excitement tonight. Or even better, get a TV that has Picture in picture so you can type on your blog and watch American Idol at the same time. or I guess use your laptop.

Anonymous said...


tinkfromcalif said...

I can't wait...I absolutely LOVE the auditions with the freaks they parade out for us!!! You know they were sitting there with friends, probably drunk or worse, and the so called "friends" say "DUDE...you should go on that show...you can sing!!!" And so the freak parade starts...hahaha!
Lets hope it is more exciting and/or talented than last year.