Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, January 4, 2008

OMG My Mom is Hysterical

You know how you think you are the funniest person in the world? (Doesn't everybody or is that just me?) Anyway, my mom has been here for about 7 days now and we are starting to wear on each other's nerves. Last night she tried to tell me how to cook, and that's not cool. I don't care if she taught me. I cook better. Or atleast I have more gadgets.

Goddammit, she's yelling at me to get off the blog and I better not be writing a thing about her on it. Oh I swear I should have never told her about this. It's really my sister's fault. I digress. Oh for Fuck's sake, she is now tap dancing and humming god rest ye merry gentleman. I sswear I cannot make this shit up.

Anyway I had this shopping list going and she picked it up and read it. Then she came over to me and said "What are dick ears?" I said "What???" And she said, "this list says dick ears right by the parmesan cheese. I said, "Give that to me..." and sure enough it said 'dickears". I could not stop laughing. I almost burst an eardrum. I read it and read it and finally decided I had written crackers.

Anyway, here's the list. You be the judge. Hope you laugh as hard as we did.

PS, After hours of laughter, my husband admitted that he wrote it on the list when I wasn't looking. Now I am questioning my entire marriage decision. What the fuck is a dickear?


1 comment:

Lu said...

cole. I am dying. Literally wheezing in my seat reading this. so hilarious.

And as for Brit Brit. It's so f-ing tiresome now. No one cares already! I agree that everyone is just enabling this behavior. It's so outrageous. And if you are gonna point fingers at mother of the year, may as well peg Lynne Spears. So tragic...that whole thing is tragic. Someone told me that the father of that kid is actually not the bf but one of the guys who worked on her Nickelodeon show...but I guess the guy was like 50. However not sure if that is a credible story or just hearsay.

Anyway, what the hell is up with this storm. Storm Watch 08.