Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

American Idol - Omaha Style

Oh, well, they did alot to pump up the ratings this week, starting off with the dude that had Will Ferrell tendencies. He brings gifts and Kelly Clarkson photos. Ha Ha. And he's going to be on Fox 42. That was the best thing I ever saw. In 6 seasons of watching this, no one pimped for Ryan's job. Way to go!

Oh Jason, shake off those nerves. you have a face and good singing voice. Come on, one more shot. Oh Simon loves his voice and he wants him to succeed...this is so painful...OMG he's doing it. I have chills. Oh I love his voice. Come on Randy. Come on...put him through. Come on. YES. And Simon too. Yippy skippy. Oooh, Simon has to give him a wrist slap, and warns him. He's leaving the farm for Hollywood. Pauler, Come to Simey. HIlarious. Simey!!!

Ok, so now we on to "forgot the lyrics" game show. Lame. Hey, btw, where the fuck are the instruments? Why don't we see some dAughtry dudes with their guitarsl Now we have Ryan arm wrestling with some blond chick. This 6-time arm wrestling beauty has a voice. There are definitely some good stories to be found out there America. Pauler has chosen to listen to her with her eyes closed, because she is jealous of her beauty. Randy has a yodel problem, Paula says yes or no, and Pauler says yes. She wants to arm wrestle too. Lesbo tendencies are showing Pauler. Next...we see Ryan in Pauler's chair. You know, I think he's tinier than her. He could probably fit in her purse with her dog.

Lady wrestler freak. I think I saw Lady Morgue on the FBI Most Wanted List...right next to the list of 8 traits of a Serial Killer. Freak a zoid. SARA IS REALLY STRANGE. And Simey says Pauler put her through. And then Ryan comes in and has issues. ha ha. and now he is in the judges chair. Ok, into Hollywood the Norah Jones clone goes. Heard It Through the Grapevine lady goes in...now what makes people pick all these randome songs. don't they have radios? Or do they only know how to sing commercial tunes from a raisin ad? Did you hear the girl going down the escalader say "Wait til I get to Hollywood and tell Simon he's wrong and that I am AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL WHOOOPS!! DID YOU HEAR THAT? Hilarious blooper.

OMG a freakin' tear jerker story. Uh Oh, a Celine song. It was such a mimic...but she has a wonderful voice. Come on people...OH Yippy, she goes in. I think we will see this girl go far!!!! Uh Oh, daddy said a bad word. Bad ass. I love that.

David Cook is coming on, with a little inspiration from Daughtry. And singing a little Jon Bon Jovi...and he's good. I say "what the hell is worthy? Simon?" Dawg is going to Hollywood! He's cool...and he needs to lose the red streak. It's distracting. Ok, weird James Brown dude promises to be entertaining, I hope. Johnny Liberace. OH MY GOD, Pauler has the hiccups. You disgusting little pig, Simon said...and now that gold jacket is flying. whatever. Simon said, I hated everything about you....your jacket, the singing, the performing. Everything. I hated it. Come on Simey, tell us what you think.

Look at the Wolfman!!! Did you see him? Leo Marlow...here we go. The smallest town in the history of life. Oh, I like this guy alot. I think Leo is going to be a character in the later chapters this season. 4 sure. OH, look at his weird cry face? Pauler wants to take him home...

You know, tonite, I can say, I saw alot of haridos I liked. More so than any other town. Maybe that's where all the good hairdressers are. Who knew? Guess what I am watching now. 10 Items or Less..on TBS. It's supposed to be a good show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe the instuments will be allowed in Hollywood but I don't we'll see it on TV until the main show.