Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, January 18, 2008

What this blog means to me and you...

Good morning my little readers of crapola. Happy Friday to everyone. Happy afternoon to those of you unfortunate enough to be freezing to death in Eastern time zones.

Week 1 of Season 7 is over...sigh...was it all we hoped it would be?

Let me spend some time outlining for you what this show and this blog mean to me...and maybe you will find value and not feel guilty for wasting time reading it. NEVER!!!

1. Why do I write it? Lots of people treat me like the Paula Abdul of my company. A C+ celebrity. I love it. People that normally don't give me the time of day, or pass and say "hey" are suddenly talking to me like I am the Tom Brokaw of American Idol. The John Madden of the NFL. They want my review on the fly...as if you would pin Ebert down to analyze Atonement in a flash. (Did I just draw a comparison of American Idol to Atonement???) It's so fucking funny. I always walk away laughing at how hysterical it is that I am the uber-freak fan of a tv show...sort of like that chick that is ga-ga over Star Wars. Should I get an American Idol belt buckle and Paula Abdul wig and wear it each week? Anyway, bottom line, I can't let the people down. I must continue to watch, comment and blog. This is why John Madden is 104 and still watches football. He can't let the people down. And I love being treated like a freak. Finally, I can come out of the closet.
2. You, the avid blog reader: The community of blog fans we've built is downright heartwarming. I love all the people that comment. If you don't read the comments, you're missing out on the most important thread of the blog. The sharing of thoughts and feelings. It's downright therapy for some. I feel love from people on this blog that are friends, but they haven't picked up the phone and called me in months, however, they read the blog nearly daily and comment. So, what this says to me, is these friends actually like 'coleyb' the blogger better than Cole Bronn the friend. I'm down with that. I realize I am a little, shall we say, 'edgier' on the blog, and perhaps they like that persona more. I also love that my cousin, that I haven't really been in touch with for years, is laughing at me. That makes me smile. I love that my seester reads the blog and has finally stopped picking out the flaws and embraces my fucked-up-ness. I have always admitted that while I make more money that she does, she will always be the smarter one. I'm just worried about the day when her smarts start to pay big dividends and then I will be hosed. And will never be able to speak to her again. I love that my mom cannot remember my url, could google me, but chooses not to. She's scared.
3. Sharing the wealth...I lOVE the stories you tell about how you have introduced the blog to your co-workers. LOVE IT. I was recently toasted at DeeDee's lunch with her coworkers. Made me so happy. Thanks girls for keeping DeeDee up-to-date on Idol and me. I love the ripple effect of the blog getting spread like a happy rash. I love that Jeffro has used the blog as a means to win over all his new co-workers. Using humor as the currency of the cool. Can't you just hear his new co-workers now? "Wow, this new guy is awesome. He's introduced us to a new site where we can waste more time not working. Cool!!! " So here's a shout out to Jeff's new co-workers. Welcome, and get back to work before you lose internet privileges. Love people that watch Idol, just so they can understand what I am talking about on the blog. That's awesome (Maloo I'm referring to YOU!!!).
So that's what I love. As for what do I really hope to achieve on this blog? I just really want to make you laugh. It's all I really want to do here, and of course, ripping to shreds the hopes and dreams of lame people is a happy side effect. It's a trade-off I can live with. My sincerest thanks to everyone that joins in...xoxo to you all.

January 2008 ... Happy MLK Weekend.
Next post: What were the memorable moments of the first 2 shows...and a new poll will be posted this weekend.

Oh... and my friend Sara is working a booth in the gift bag area at Sundance Film Festival and promises to take cell phone pics and share for the blog. My private TMZ photog...Sara Shizzles, Let's hope she sees someone from the movies and not that dumbass Heidi Montag. I'd even settle for a Kfed pic. ha ha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's January, Idol is back, and ColeyB is here! All is well in V-town (in my make-believe world anyway!). Looking forward to the distraction.