Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Who will be in the Finale...let's see!

Well, that opening song was lame. I can't really be serious because I bloop blooped through it. And OMG, Fantasia has outdone herself in hideous-ness. The first thing that comes to mind is James Brown. She's like the female James Brown here. This is horrendous. She's hopping around that stage like a rapper gone rabid. Ok, I've seen enough of the pink q-tip head of Fantasia.

Ok, here we go...lots of background and hometown visiting and really, I was trying to put myself in their shoes. And I just cried. I can't imagine if people were screaming coley coley coley. I'd drop my dentures, for sure.

So, I cried through most of the shitzness on this episode. Very emotional. I love David Cook too much. I get so emotionally involved with these people..and then I start my stalking plan. I mean look, I did get a photo of me and Ace Young, so there is never a thought in my head that I won't get to see one of my idols in the future. I saw Daughtry in concert on his meteoric rise up. He so would not be playing at the Addison Food Festival in North Dallas ever again. He's uber hot now. I only paid $12.00 for a ticket to that concert! Which by the way is 3.00 more than a ticket to the Avril Lavigne concert in LA last week, that she ended up cancelling due to SLOW SALES...not really she was 'exhausted'. Mmm Hmm. Sorry, I sound like Perez Hilton now.

Ok, back to Idol. Look, I don't care to write any more. Except I keep forgetting to note: What the hell is up with Randy. He's got his panties in a wad about something. He either needs to eat another sandwich...he's sort of fussy like I get when it's time to eat...and he is diabetic. But really, me thinks I know his problem. That news of Mariah Carey marrying Nick Cannon was a real blow to Randy's balls. I mean that hit him directly in Big Jim and the Twins. He's crushed, she didn't invite him to the wedding, or tell him about it or nothin'. I think she will always be the one that got away from him. If you ask her, she probably says, "Randy who? Now which one of my 72 albums did he play on? OOOOhhhh, that Randy. Oh yeah, he's sweet."

Ok, back to the results. Ok, like why do they keep letting Archie off the hook early, and he never has to sweat it out. David Cook is the one with the bad heart for fuck's sake. Are they trying to kill him? He already had to go to Cedar Sinai once with palpitations.

And finally, we have a David vs. David finale. It's like the battle of man vs. boy. It's weird. We've never really had such a diverse final 2...except, well, let's really think about this...
Season 1: Weirdo fro dude Justin vs. Texas Waitress Girl, Kelly
Season 2: Chubby Checker Rueben vs. Clay Gayken
Season 3: Fantasia vs. Plain Girl Diana DeGarmo
Season 4: Southern Rocker Bo Bice vs. Country Darling Carrie
Season 5: Trailor Southern Hick vs. LA Actress Hottie Girl
Season 6: Beat Boxer Blake vs. My Girl Jordan

Which brings us to Season 7: Hottie David vs. Not-old enough to be Hottie David

He's not old enough to have lost all his baby teeth, it appears. I'm sorry, but until his voice stops cracking and it appears he shaves, I can't be thinking about that Tween as a rock star.

David Cook is absolutely my favorite. I love that I picked him early in the season. I feel like I got to ride a good wave for a good while, but I am preparing myself for those little dumbass chicks that will dial their little Hello Kitty phones all night long voting for that freaking Archie.

Anyway...love to you all. xoxo

1 comment:

tinkfromcalif said...

Hopefully all the Sayesha votes will go to David C.

I cried like a baby too at the hometown visits...I think more on the lines that I can't even imagine how proud the parents of these kids are!

OMG did you see Simon's face when Fantasia was screeching?!?! It was hysterical! I didn't understand one word she said! And yes Randy has been quite an ass the last couple of weeks I think!

OH PLEASE WIN DAVID COOK!!!! We can't have another snooze fest singer win.

I am off this weekend with my youngest son to go 4wheeling and camping on the Rubicon trail...pray for me...LOL
He is driving but he actually is a much safer driver then my older son...he just plain scares the shit out of me.

I will look forward to a nice juicy post on Monday morning with my coffee in hand.