Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hello ... It's Saturday...and I'm in a spiritual mood...

Hi everyone...what's shakin'?

Well, after a high drama week at the factory...which I now have to stop dissing on so much to keep from getting fired...it's seems some big Fucking Mouths at work think it is cool to tell people about my blog...thinking they are being nice to me. And they are...but when it gets to the bosses...that's when I get queasy. You never know when they might think the chick that writes this blog, might show up at the office and tell them what I really think! ha. I mean, if they haven't figured it out by now, I will tell them what I think anyway, and usually do. I guess I shouldn't be so worried. But really, some things I write kind of shock people. And for me, that's what's most shocking to ME. I think I work with some straight asses that are all holy and stuff. I mean, I know the old and new testament very well...and I'm not hatin' on religion, but jeepers, I can't think of any other way to describe it.

Ok, so I let the word God dammit fly at work the other day. That ain't cool. I say Fuck alot, but mostly laughing, but i think I did offend a Bible guy, and that made me feel really BAD. So, I'm off that word. Really, I shouldn't say it anyway, it's not nice. So, my new word is ....drumroll please.... DANG IT. I love it. Every time I say it, I laugh. And the drama at work is getting so high, and I mean blood pressure high, that I couldn't even go to work one day this week. I just couldn't do it. I work in cubes and the yelling over the cubes is getting insane. So, I had to pull into a Starbucks somewhere off I-880 and hoped it wasn't one targeted for a 'stop and rob' that morning. Cuz' I was not in the mood to 'bop and dodge' the bullets that morning. But a grazing of a bullet in like my fat little thigh could have gotten me some sweet time off and sympathy, wouldn't it? And maybe some free frappucinos in my future...I'm sure they have a Starbucks card gift program for the 'unfortunately grazed by a bullet' customer. In the hood, the Starbucks cards read, "Yo' Bitch Sorry Your Last Shot wasn't only Espresso". Peace out on that shit...(Lu, I love that phrase and stole it, and use it often...) I finally drug my ass into the office at noon, the Starbuck barista started mopping under my feet, I took it as a sign to beat it.

So, back to the co-workers at the Factory. So, the other day, I'm cruisin' to the mailroom...minding my own biz...and I catch the eye of this guy I'm working on a project with. He's a game developer artist type dude. I was just in a meeting with him talking about art and characters and trees and leaves and shit, and all kinds of junk I can't believe I get paid to talk about... So, I'm sort of secretly hoping to just say hi and fly, but he slows his roll and starts a convo. And after the usual, 'hey, what's up'...and some times I forget not to say "how's it hanging", which is sort of a joke with my husband...but isn't appropriate with dudes at the Factory...anyway, where was I? Oh, so he blurts out that he just read my blog. FUCK...now I am exposed. It's like someone caught me taking a shower. I'm like feeling so violated. Seriously. I just can't explain the sick feeling I got. And I immediately start interrogating him.. WHO TOLD YOU? WHO GAVE YOU THE ADDRESS? In my most CSI cool detective manner, of course. And he told me...so, I said "Dude, listen, that's my alter ego, and I'm not really that person. That's Blogger Cole, so take it with a grain of salt." Like I don't know. I don't know all kinds of shit about everyone else, so maybe I don't want them to know I talked to homeless people with pigs in rest stops. Ok, there's a point to this blah blah blahing, I'm doing...

The guy's reply was absolutely classic. He said, "Oh no, don't worry. It actually made you a much more interesting person to me." OMG, he fucking thought I was a geek idiot stupid head...and now I'm cool. Hysterical. I could have been insulted, but it was a compliment I believe...ha. So funny.

So, I found the office rat, later in the day, and said...Dude, you outted me! Replayed the story, and his response was..."Hey, that's geek code for You're Cool". We had a laugh. So, if you're reading this SP and CE...thanks for the laughs. Now get back to work in the ZOO, you lazy goofoffs.

More later...



Margaret said...

I think I'd freak if people at work found my blog. However, I believe none of them even know what a blog is.

As for the language, I am a total potty mouth in real life. I try so hard not to upset the God types myself. My favorite is "dadgummit!" I think I learned it from my dad--who also tried to curb his language around us kiddies.

Cole Bronn said...

Dagnabbit is also a good one. I believe all of these were invented so cartoon characters could expression frustration.

cartoon cussing.

Unknown said...

I like to say "Shut the front door!" in place of Shut the F Up, or a loud and very dramatic "Stop It!" works well too. I find I tend to drop F bombs more often when people around me do. But I have never really been too bad in that area.
Cole, do I know the SP that you referred to? Is he my all time favorite newly crowned EP? I love the kid. We shared many laughs and good times making one of the best EA Sports games to ever ship! Tell him I said hi, and to stop humping the talent.
Miss you...Amy Bee

Lu said...

this post is the very reason i locked my blog a couple years back.:)

why do i hate this season's idol so much? Why??