Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mid-Life TV Crisis...MTV Meltdowns

OMG, I swear, I have hit rock bottom. I'm seriously out of the age range of Gossip Girl and The Hills, but I can't help it. I love this shit. So, you know me..I have to analyze it. And let's be clear...analyze and rationalize have the same meaning in the Big Thesaurus of ColeyB. I analyze to understand the thing I am obsessing about...and rationalize the behavior. So let's break it down party peeps:

Fact: I love Gossip Girl and The Hills and The Real World Hollywood
1. What do these shows have in common?
2. Where there any shows in your past that you watched like them?
3. How did you feel during those times?
4. Do you wish you felt like that again?

BINGO! Why that one college semester I managed to stay awake in Psych 101 has seemingly paid off...or the 4 years on and off I have spent in therapy...both probably playing a significant role here......so let's analyze those answers...

The shows have alot in common...all the girls are so stupid I love to laugh at them. I was never that stupid. NEVER. And I never had stupid friends like that. I was in the theatre, and those blonde girls could only remember dance steps, not lines of a script. So, I just am as fascinated by them as a 10 year old staring at a booger in a microscope. What else...oh, the guys are hot. I may be married, but listen, I didn't lose my eyesight on my honeymoon. Funny thing is I don't really look at guys in real life. I only like men if they seem kind of gay. The super straight single guys at work...I hate them. They are so boring. At my job, most of them are so young they talk about getting drunk alot or chasing 'hello kitty'... Anyway, I am off on a train here. Let's get back on track... ok, other similarities...all on MTV...and all have great sound tracks...and finally, HIGH drama.

Links to shows from my past...well come to think of it...YES, it's a bit like Melrose Place isn't it? When I was laying around my single little life having fun, I was loving me some Andrew Shue.

And yes, I want to be a stupid kid again...so, I guess that explains my obsession with this dumb stuff. But, history has shown, all the way back to Dallas, Dynasty and Knots Landing...Desparate Housewives...all of it...Laguna Beach...whatevs...there's always someone's drama you love to watch, to make your own weirdness seem normal.

So anyway, join me...it's good shit. Thanks Mae Mae for the tv viewing tips.


Anonymous said...

I'm just glad you watch all those shows so you can burn CD's of the soundtracks for me. Now that I'm commuting, I'm digging the tunes you send me! Send more!


windycitynut said...

Who needs tv with Coley B in the house? The drama going on in your life is enough for me. What would be perfect is if you could wear a hidden camera and just provide a continuos stream, that would be awesome. Keep it going, ultra geeks cool chick friend.