Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Triple Threat...The Final 3

Alrighty, for those of you that don't watch the show and have me recap it..and.I can't believe there are those of you out there!!! Anyway, they announce that the idols will perform 3 songs...one picked by judges, one picked by producers and one they get to pick on their own. So Pauler picks a Billy Joel song for David Archuleta. And so he sings it, so far, with no band back-up...and here comes the strings. It truly is a beautiful, beautiful vocal performance. Nice job Archie. He is VERY talented, this kid. Think about it people...there are buttwipes out there cashing in, that can't hold a candle to David. Nice job Archie. I hate your Dad and his newspaper boy cap, trying to be cool. I think Pauler picked well for him. Randy: Gives his mad props Pauler: Heaps praise Simon: Very good, no surprises and a bit predictable. Didn't give him the outstanding mark. Good, Good.

Syesha is singing Randy's pick...Alicia Key's "If I Ain't Got You". Syesha looks like a beauty queen in that beaded gown...she could be walking the Oscar red carpet with Jamie Foxx tonite, she looks beautiful. That girl did an awesome job with that song. She is fierce. I'm telling you, so far, they are bringing it full-on game tonite. Amazing how they all seem great since Jason is out. Syesha is really peaking, as Randy points out.

Ok, side bar...me and my husband argued about something...did Cook or Archie ever come in the bottom 3? Where they ever in the 'non-safe' side? Help me on that one.

Simon, you suck. David has to sing a black lady's melodrama song. PUH Leeze make him change it up. Because I can't fall asleep this early in the show. Ok, so Simon was right...this range is perfect for his voice. And yes, he is changing it up. AWESOME. He blew it away. I have good bumps. The crowd was on their feet before he even came close to finishing. Randy gave him weird rocking shizola, and Pauler points out the squibbling. Simon points out Round 1 goes to Cook and Cowell. Wow, David has a beauty of a mom. What a sweet guy. Hi Mom! hee hee. I bet he rocks it out on his final song.

Archie is going to sing Chris Brown...With You. Ok, Hip Hop is just not working for me here. Those dumbass tan plaid pants and brown t shirt remind me of a guy I used to date that only wore brown cords. I'm having a bad flashback here (Seester...I'm see Mark here...ugh) Ok, I did not like it. He's is not a black dude rapper hopper. Ok, Randy agrees with me. Pauler, she had a little bit of criticism..Simon applauded that he took a risk. And said he was a chico dog trying to be a tiger. I was waiting for a comment on his awkward butt wiggles. I wonder if his Dad told him to pick that song?

Syesha...Fever by Peggy Lee. This is going to be an actress/stripper performance. Guaranteed. Hey, does anyone remember her original spikey afro-ish wig? My husband is a little worried about her accidentally showing her "Britney" tonite, since that dress is so short. Paula did not like the song choice...and listen, Pauler was right. Does Syesha want to make records of freaking Peggy Lee, shit? Simon busts her on that one and called her a Lame Cabaret performance.

David Cook singing "Dare you to move", by Switchfoot. Huh? He says: It lyrically wraps up the Idol experience for him. Ok, bring it on. Why do his songs always seem so short. What? It's over already? Ok, so Pauler said it best. 1 min 30 sec. Yeah, it was a little weird for everyone. I didn't like it so much. Maybe all of it, I would have. Look, I wish effing Idol would have skipped the crappy mayor reading the crap to Archie...and given those 30 seconds to David Cook.

Archie: Dan Fogleberg song. Nice selection I guess, but it's suckish. So ballad-like and so 'meh'. Randy liked it, and Pauler said "very lovely". Simon thinks he sang the song well. Simon hated the song choice, but it wasn't David's fault. Simon said, he thinks he did enough to get into the finals next week.

Oooooohhhh...Justin Guarani is in the crowd. Yuk. Right next to Rex Lee.
Syesha: This girl is putting on the sex kitten act tonite. She's looking for that recording contract or a gig with the Pussycat Dolls. I don't know this song, Rihanna, from the Happy Feet soundtrack. But I do think she did a good job with it. Atleast it felt ok. Pauler slammed her..and said I don't know if you were going to make it to the final two. Not a defining moment. And Archie was not defining. And they saved the best for last.

I hope he brings the defining moment. Aerosmith "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing". I love the semi-circle of string instruments. BEST PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT. Ok, so I hate to say they are stacking the deck, but really people, did they have strobe lights, strings and freakin' Ricky Minor band dude rocking the electric guitar on any of Syesha or Archie's songs? Nope.

David Cook wins the night. Yep he did. Bye Syesha. You were beautiful tonite. I bet you will make a great actress. Look at Ugly Betty's Vanessa Williams.

Well, that was fun. Only one more week. So fun. So sad to say goodbye.


Anonymous said...

To respond to your question; the 2 David's have never been in the bottom 2 as I recall.

Anonymous said...

Bye bye Syesha. How I wish it was Archie. I guess I will see her on Broadway.

NJ Fan