Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Viewer Reviews of Project Runway V5.0 Premiere

As you know, I asked the Blog faithful to watch the new season of Project Runway. It still surprises me that people at work think I am on blog-sabbatical just because Idol is OffTAir. People, there is still so much to make fun of in the world. I mean REALLY, how could I stop, when I have so much to say? So, here's a few comments from the group...
From Jeffro:
So, I turned on Bravo and just get a bunch of snow. Turns out, my TV comes with some kind of gaydar transmitter that scrambles all things fruity. We call it the Midwest glitch. Once removed I now enter the tornado that is Project Runway. I am a little overwhelmed. So much going on that I now discover note taking will be key. My wife walks into the room takes a look at the tv and then at me then back to the tv then back to me and says, is your "friend" RAUL joining you for this. I just look at her and say "Cole". She just walks away shaking her head. I don't know all the names yet but what is up with that dude with the blue hair, Squeak? Suede, that's it. Did he just say wack -a -doodle? Am I the only one that finds it funny he left the cock out?? He looks confused. Like he thought this was supposed to be at the Real World 45 set. Wondering when they were going to do body shots and start putting things in places we don't talk about. Hey look, it's Tracey Chapman!!! I always wanted know what happened to her. I'm glad that Cole mentioned Heidi"s dress length. That must be a normal thing. I was starting to think that was going to be the first challenge, coming up with the lower half of her outfit. Are all designers this arrogant?? Everyone thinks their outfit is the shiat. Also, it looks like everyone is trying to coin their own catchphrase. What was it that Blaine said?/ Grill licious? Girl licious? I do know one thing, they need more of that Tim dude. He looks like a college prof then he talks and it's Fabulous 101. I think I am going to have fun with this one.

From Tink...
OK so I didn't have a good night...accidently deleted Days of Our Lives so decided to watch Big Brother and wait til like 9:30 to start watching this show. Well I look at my little red dvr light at 9:15 and IT IS NOT ON!!!! OMG So I went and immediately started it and missed the first 15 mins. They were leaving the store and starting on the "dresses". OK some really were interesting like the cup dress, the dyed vacuum bags but MY GOD the thing Jerry did was just down right awful!!! What was he thinking? And why the dishwashing gloves? Right up there was the trash bags...what a complete moron. They both should have left.This does remind me of Top Chef which I love. It goes by so quick.Thanks, I think, Cole!

Amy B responds to Jeffro's struggle with his masculinity...
Jeffro, Thanks for jumping on the dinged-up-from-Cole-driving-in-to-a-wall Lexus Bangwagon that is chauffeuring all of us on the Project Runway super highway. $15/month...hmmm so you can buy one less 1/4 tank of gas per week. One tank a month. It's all good because you just added 4 hours a month of TV watching that will keep you from driving. That investment of $15 is probably SAVING you money.Cole do we have any straight TV programs up for discussion?
In response to AmyB's desire for less homo tv, more manly men...I can surely direct you to the upcoming premiere to one of the hottest television shows out there...Mad Men.
See next POST on the blog...Season 2 Premiere, Sunday, July 27 on AMC. Now fear not people, if you didn't see Season 1, there are free episodes for viewing on AMC. http://www.amctv.com/originals/madmen/

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cole, I could compete with Madonna for being the biggest fag hag on earth. Oh, I am down with the homos. I'm Grace with about 10 Wills in my life. Queens are always there for me, like a loyal girlfriend. They say they would marry me if they weren't so grossed out by straight sex. So, I'm cool with the shows they like too. It gives me something to talk about with them and at this blog. But perhaps you can throw Jeffro and I a straight bone and review a sporting event now and again? Or post some boobs for him. I dunno, I'm just sayin.