Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, July 11, 2008

David Cook - Billy Jean

Ok, people, I am a goofball, and as I explained in earlier posts, I was just swept up in the moment, and a bigger 12 year old tween groupie screamer than I was when I was ACTUALLY a 12 year old. So, as you can hear on this video, am I quite excited to hear that he is singing Billy Jean, the version from American Idol show, not the MJ version.

Even though I am embarrassed by what I sound like, i am still going to share with you. This was him coming back for his encore, and the place went dark, and we didn't know if he was coming back, which is why I lost him in the video screen.

Now here's the rest of the Billy Jean song in the next post.

Please, no making fun of me. I am sensitive. And yes, I do still have my Texas accent after 16 years of living in California. Hey, my anniversary of moving here is tomorrow! July 12. Huh, just remembered that.


PS, The David Archuleta video I posted on You Tube has already been viewed 89 times. Think he has some fans??? I'm thinking so. He's the male Hannah Montana from the sounds of those little twinkies at the concert. My ears are still ringing.

1 comment:

tinkfromcalif said...

Finally I guess all that begging payed off!!! hahaha
Looks like you had great seats. I couldn't hear any accent when you were screaming your lungs out. Now I am REALLY bummed we didn't go