Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

How Do You Have Time to Read my Blog?

I mean, really, why aren't you reading every squeamish detail of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's new addition to Earth. I mean there are like 12 stories on my iGoggle home page about this. Lord. I even read some of the comments where they were debating how she could be await through a c-section or a epidural and Brad cut the cords. Whatevs.

Well, I am on load number 17. I have washed everything that fits in that new washer. I washed the mattress pads up to the comforter and everything in between. I almost look forward to spilling something on my shirt to see if the new washer will get it out. It's insane.

Well, I had to venture out today...go to Wal-Mart and return the small tent, since I have now decided to keep the Hilton tent.

Gotta cut this one short...the hubby is in pain over a back injury. I am not cut out to be an ER nurse, that's for sure.

Oh, and I lost my Jawbone today...I panicked, and had to take a Xanax I was so upset. And so, I put my phone up to my ear to call my husband to see if he could find it on the charger. And guess what. A COP ROLLED RIGHT UP IN FRONT OF ME...and he shook his finger at me. OMG, I threw my phone in the back seat and raised my hands up...mouthed "Sorry" and he laughed. OMG, I shit my pants. Then I found out the fine is like only $20.00. Good Lord.


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