Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Out with the Old...and In with the New

Ok, it's Saturday am and I've already completed 2 loads...and the only thing I forgot is...when you wash them, it's all fun and everything, but you have to DRY them and FOLD them and PUT THEM AWAY. OMG, this is ridiculous. I have caused myself a world of pain because with these new 8 towels, I have to do something with the old ones. We have plenty of car wash towels. I think I might donate them to our veterinary hospital. I hear they always need them. I wish there was a place to leave stuff for poor people that can't afford Goodwill. I think I saw a clothing recycler bin the other day...maybe I'll check that out.

So, me loves me new washer. In the next load, it will be put to the test. My friends spilled red wine on my tablecloth while camping, and I treated it with Gonzo Pet Stain remover, so we shall see!!! It's my camping cloth, so who cares about the war wounds...it builds character. But I'm just curious. It's like I want to put the new washer to the test, go eat a big bowl of spaghetti and let it drip on my tshirt, just to see if it will come out! ha. I know, I need to get a life don't I?

I can't wait to wash the comforter either. Or my quilt, or the dreaded bathmats. I'm scared though. I still may shuffle those over to the neighbors house. I know, I have to bite the bullet at some point, but not yet. They are still dripping and stinking in the bathtub. Jeez, my laundry drama is such a soap opera...no pun intended.

Happy Saturday. Have some Froot Loops and start your day on a multi-colored sugar high extravaganza!!!


PS, Since everyone seems to like my product endorsements, because I rarely, if ever, steer you wrong...let me give you a ColeyConsumer Reports tip...that Gonzo Pet Stain Remover I mentioned above is 'miracle juice'. It will take stains out of anything and it doesn't matter what. I have yet to find anything it won't remove. I used to keep a bottle at my desk and everyone with pen stains came to my cube. And food stains after lunch too. It was hilarious. You can buy it at Linens N Things or Bed Bath and Beyond (why don't those stores merge and call it a day? They are identical) Anyhoo, try it, you'll like it. Ironically, it did not remove the cat pee stain from my wool berber carpet. My cat pees electric yellow...the smell is gone, but the yellow spot is still there. Go figure. But it does say something about wool on the bottle. Even the professional cleaner told me that wool carpet sucks and stains won't come out. Good lord...carpet salesmen are shamsters, almost as bad as the used car salesmen, better known as 'lot lizards' (my dad's term, not mine...in fact he hated the lot lizards so much, we shopped for cars in the evenings after dinner, when the lots were lizard-free. There was a Baskin and Robbins ice cream next to the Ford Dealership, and he would jump up from the dinner table and shout "Who wants to go play Car Lot Commando????" And we went for ice cream and crawled all over those trucks in the lot. We were poor but proud white trash.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coley - I am truly so happy for you about the washing machine and I can totally relate. There is just something about really clean clothes. Wait, let me add - really clean anything. I love clean, clean, clean. I am off to Elliotts to buy some Gonzo cuz the doxies are always creating something for me to clean up. Have a great Saturday!