Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Shouting out to the Project Runway Posse

Thanks to those that are getting behind me in support of blogging on the new season, WHICH STARTS TONITE PEOPLE!!!

Some recent comments between frequent comments AmyB and Jeffro are below. If you are behind, my pal Jeffro was reluctant to watch the show because he is afraid of turning Gay. I told him, in a round about way, that one cannot turn back the process, once already started. His response is:
Jeffro writes:

Okay Cole, you called me out. You're right, I should just embrace my homo traits and run with it. Excuse me now as I go watch Birdcage and cry myself to sleep. That Nathan Lane is a fierce hot tranny mess!?! I'll get there with the lingo.Jeffro aka Buttercup

AmyB supports my views on all things blogworthy and further forces Jeffro's hand, she writes:

Jeffro,I don't know you but here is why we will all watch Project Runway. Because Cole is our leader. She's like our Jim Jones. I will drink the Kool Aid. We will all follow her in to a burning building. We all just bought jawbones and new washing machines. (Admit it.) I resist American Idol every year yet am drawn in my Cole's web spinning abilities. We're all in it, and like the Haunted House at Disneyland, this chamber has no windows and no doors which offers you this chilling challenge...TO FIND A WAY OUT!!! Muawahahahahahahahahah:)

Ok, so that's the way the blog bubbles today. More later. I think I will be bold and pick my winner from the beginning, based on picture and hometown alone. Jerrell. He looks designer to me. I know it is judging a book by it's cover, but he's from Houston, Texas and me loves a Texan.


Jeffro said...

Yes, I do understand the power of Cole. She put me in the witness protection program for crying out loud. Just when I was getting comfortable in my new skin, she had to come and give me a little smackdown and then had her associate AmyB finish me up. I was just kidding myself when I thought I could think on my own. So, with that, I'm in. Was there any doubt?? One problem. I don't get Bravo. Stupid Comcast cable. I get one of the premium packages too. I mean, I get like 10 different MTV channels but no Bravo?? WTH?? So, after holding for 20 minutes with Comcast(Voted one of the worst, by the way), I had to spend another 15 bucks a month to upgrade to the VIP Platinum package. Is this a cable company or a gentleman's club? She just as well answered Babydolls, how can we bankrupt you?? So, I'll be watching the show tonight while getting a lap dance by "Destiny." Thanks Comcast and thanks Cole.

Unknown said...

Jeffro, Thanks for jumping on the dinged-up-from-Cole-driving-in-to-a-wall Lexus Bangwagon that is chauffeuring all of us on the Project Runway super highway. $15/month...hmmm so you can buy one less 1/4 tank of gas per week. One tank a month. It's all good because you just added 4 hours a month of TV watching that will keep you from driving. That investment of $15 is probably SAVING you money.
Cole do we have any straight TV programs up for discussion?