Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

OMG, I just found my seats at the Idol Concert

Our seats are in Section 128 and 4 rows up. OMG, I might be able to actually see David Cook and get a good photo for my cube..and bedroom. Kidding. About the bedroom, not the cube.

So excited. Very exciting. Excitement pouring from my pores. Can you tell I'm excited?

Ok, so I can't wait to take tons of pics and I promise to post my review as quickly as I can. But I might not even get home until like midnight on Tuesday night...but knowing me, I'll have to tap tap tap on my laptop before beddy bye time. I wish I could blog from the arena like I do when watching the show live. I swear I will have to jot notes during the concert as I don't have any memory chips left in my brain.

Here's what I am looking forward to. Will Brooke forget words? Will Jason be stoned? Is Ramiele as short as she seems? Will Kristy Lee Cook pretend to be Britney Spears or Carrie Underwood on tour? Karly Smithson is singing Evannescence (sp?) Bring Me to Life...which I love, so can't wait. Chikezie is singing that Donnie song. I already told you what Queenie was singing...and Archie is singing something...uhhh, I don't care..I can't remember. I know it's not Imagine.

More later...

1 comment:

Jeffro said...

Check the news on Wed morning..Crazed Idol fan tossed off stage by D Cook. A stoned Jason remarks'Whoa, trippy dude!!". I cqan't wait to see the video on youtube. Later
