Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's FIERCE: Project Runway Starts Wednesday Bitches

Alright dammit. We are going to do this RIGHT this season people. I DEMAND that the faithful of the blog watch this show this season and comment on it and join the fun with me, just like on AI. I simply cannot get motivated, if you peeps don't care. I need to feel the love.

So AmyB, Lu, Mae Mae, DNat, AC, Suki, NJ Fan, Tink, Office Worker friends of Dee Dee's (can we get y'all a shorter nickname?...please suggest), Jeffro, Malooooo...who else? Well you know who you are...I need you to watch Project Runway. I know 1/2 of you do it already anyway.

Heidi "I swallowed Minnie Mouse and now talk like her" Klum and her posse lead by Michael Kors are back for another season on Weds 7/16...that's in 2 days people. The fierceness begins. Tim Gunn...bless his decripid heart, is the most hilarious 50 yr old, trapped in a 90 year old body, gay man on TV since "Just Jack" from Will and Grace. Ooohhh, wouldn't Sean Hayes be a great guest judge...me likey that idea. He would heighten the hilariosity to uber heights.

I love when the gay and straight men start their behaviors. They either like or dislike each other greatly...but mostly the woman end up hating the gay men...usually jealous...the girls don't like the competition as the most feminine human in the room. Ha.

Anyway, all kidding aside, I will be blogging on this, and I can't wait. Hope you'll join me. Or else.


Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for the start of this show! And I LOVE Tim Gunn! :)

Jeffro said...

Never watched it. 3 reasons. I'm not gay, not a woman and my idea of fashion comes from the clearance rack at Kohl's. So, you need to tell me why I should watch it. And don't say Heidi Klum(you've seen one good looking blonde, you have seen them all.)
Is there a lot to make fun of? If so, I'm in.


tinkfromcalif said...

OK I will try and watch it. Cole are you watching Nashville Star still? You haven't mentioned it for a while. There really are a couple of good singers on there.

Unknown said...

I don't know you but here is why we will all watch Project Runway. Because Cole is our leader. She's like our Jim Jones. I will drink the Kool Aid. We will all follow her in to a burning building. We all just bought jawbones and new washing machines. (Admit it.) I resist American Idol every year yet am drawn in my Cole's web spinning abilities. We're all in it, and like the Haunted House at Disneyland, this chamber has no windows and no doors which offers you this chilling challenge...TO FIND A WAY OUT!!! Muawahahahahahahahahah
