Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kristy Lee Cook is out to pasture with her horses now

Well, the shenanigans they pulled on that stage tonite was ridiculous. Boring. I like Elliott Yamin. And Mariah was great.

Now let's talk about that shit around Pauler's neck. I can just picture her at home this evening. Hmmm..what to wear? what to wear? I love my silk flower, ooh, or my gold mesh necklace, or perhaps the sparkly scarf. What the fuck, let's pile all three around my scrawny chicken neck. And pile my hair up like the mother of the bride at an Italian wedding in the Bronx.

In on word she looked HIDEOUS.

More later, I have too much tv to watch.


5 days to Gossip Girl


Anonymous said...

I was sorry to hear about Elliot's mom, but at least she got to see him become "a star".

NJ Fan

Lu said...

i loved me some elliot yamin...he was my favorite that season by a mile. even though he had jacked up teeth...ahh the good old days.

I dont know what it is but I just cant get into it this season...maybe I am lacking my EA hallway conversations....

Did you get my $$ for the pool?? the money that will probably go to Anthony! Is there a prize for last place?? :)

I miss you cole! lunch soon??