Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Finally a picture of ME!

Well, atleast this is what my hair looks like today! It's out of control.

Kudos to the first person who posts a comment with the correct name of the woman in the picture, and bonus kudos if you know what show she was on, and who also appeared right next to her.

tick tock tick tock...do do do...dah do dah do. (hum Jeapardy theme).


Margaret said...

Gilda Radner
Saturday Night Live
Weekend Update with Jane Curtain
Roseane Rosannadanna
She was married to Gene Wilder but died of cancer long enough ago to make me feel really old.

Anonymous said...

It's always something.
-Mr. Richard Feder, Fort Lee, New Jersey

stevin said...

ok, Cole

here's one for you

what was the name of the woman who hosted SNL way way back when, a fan who won a contest limited to non-professionals? i'll type it a few lines down, just in case you need help with the answer.


answer: Miskill Spillman